Quite Distracted (also printed at V.Zero)

Jul 01, 2009 21:12


For many the word inspires images of vacations to far away places, and sights unusual. For some, it conjures relaxation time with friends and loved ones, beachside adventures and front lawn games with the hose, fighting the onset of sweltering, skin-blistering heat. As for me, summer tends to mean two things, local movie events, and anime conventions! Just sharing the news that as the Cortex will be a little quiet on the news front for a brief period of time, it doesn't mean I won't have plenty to share on here and on my Twitter page pertaining to this year's Anime Expo. (This year's taking place at the Los Angeles Convention Center) And despite the fact that I will not be attending for the usual entire duration of the event, I'll do my best to grant a peek at images and highlights from Saturday's events, and hopefully beyond.

Why one day you ask? Well to put it bluntly, its all about finances of course, mixed with an ability to attend with an additional party who was available that day. So for what it's worth we'll definitely be there for the events, shopping and meetups should anyone be interested. Going from one end of the anime industry spectrum to another, a large part of the AX experience that never gathers lustre is the social angle, honestly. And I'm sure that there are many who feel the same way. And as the industry is in somewhat of a cooling period, it'd be great to use this year's events as a means to share time and thoughts  Perhaps through this we can see where our mutual hobby needs to evolve to meet these ever changing landscapes. Besides, as many of us know, there's tons more to offer than merely robots, bishis, and hokage wannabes. It's time to truly support change where we can, and perhaps through dialogue we'll find hope for a flagging industry. There are so many terrific artists & minds who bring these works to us, and to give back even a little bit feels great. This is coming from a guy who isn't anywhere near stable in the financial scheme either. ( It also doesn't hurt that there are some amazing guests this year.)  So celebrating with less can happen too!

So until next time, hope to see you at the con!



life, ax, v.zero, conventions

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