Mar 30, 2009 20:01
Ok. Now I am officially doing everything I can to stay away from what I probably should be doing, which is either putting additional work into mapping out my midterm thesis, or adding more material to the site. Geh. There just aren't enough advantages to nailing this particular class' requirements. Now granted, I love the teacher's style, energy, wit and more, but as things stand- I really don't feel too terribly invested in school this semester. It just feels like I'm holding on by a slim thread and just itching for this semester to end, and for me to have a new job settled in so I can plan out my last moves before transferring out.
Gaaah..What a I saying? If I screw this, it'll become little more than yet another last-second onslaught of BS, and excess verbiage.
First things first...I suppose Kronos' castration method requires tending to.
divine vomit