Thinking Positive

Mar 19, 2009 21:21

Well here's to another bout of living cheap.Torn between the job hunt and exercising before bed. Not sure what to say but after tomorrow, I'll be back to having crumbs of a job in Torrance. Thankfully I have a decent little nest set aside for this and hope to survive until something decent comes along. And while that doesn't mean I can just up and head to shows or even eat out much or go to movies, at least the essentials will be alright.(then again I've been living like this since day one-oh for trenches training) All the while so many of those around me have been experiencing similar situations. And yes, all of it is in the clear, these days are definitely nothing to take light of.

Which is instinctively why I took up that independent contract in the first place. Figured it wouldn't hurt to get my name out there whilst working within an extremely flexible schedule.I had truly hoped that something would have come along by now..but alas..

Such is the past.

Now I'm wondering if there is indeed anything I can truly create for myself that could constitute freelance work. The thought keeps coming up, yet I'm never sure if I have anything to offer but writing and PT.(which does me little good without the actual gear on hand)


life, mind poo, work

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