My Own Private Ecto-Containment Unit

Jan 27, 2009 14:29

At one of the campuses compys, doing what I vehemently said I wouldn’t do on campus, fiddle away in the computer room, writing away. Oh well. There are still many units available, so I shouldn’t be too troubled, right?

Hard to encapsulate the gamut of feelings bleeding out of me these days . So many things I want to do, but with a looming end to my contract, it feels a little too premature to be making any big plans. Perhaps the best thing to do right now is to write down my entire year, and work at what is possible instead of aimlessly dreaming like I always do. So without further ado- here’s a short rundown of MR’s wishes for this year:

1. Get a Desk & Chair Combo.( seriously, I’ve been without anything resembling a desk for a year and a half now. And my clutter is only getting bigger. My computers sit on plastic tubs, and I squat in from of my monitor on my futon every night.)

2. Start Up On Some Neglected Writing. ( I’m really falling behind)

3. Find Another Job( It’s written all over the walls. I’m saving up pretty strongly. Even considering tax time, I’m doing alright. But what about after March? With things as they are, a new job makes a great deal more sense for peace of mind. And preferably one job instead of two.)

4. Organize A Podcast ( I’m really thinking I should hit the ground running on a project like this, but until I get something resembling stable work, this may have to wait. At least planning can be done.)

5. Get some Music Published ( Not so much as label worthy, just giving the government a little swing at protecting my works. Probably a distant pipe dream, but we’ll see.)

6. Prepare To Move ( My roomie and I have agreed that our current situation is dangerous on multiple levels, and we need to find another place within a year. There’s no way our health is going to withstand it much longer. And I mean mental as well as physical.)

7. Improve My Friendships ( This last year plus, while amazing have also been more than a little punishing to my relationships. And part of me definitely feels that I can do so much more than I have been doing. Despite certain social anxieties that plague me daily, I’m sure I’m capable of expressing my thanks in better ways.)

8. See A Counselor ( Yeah. I’m beginning to really evaluate my place in an industry filled with personality and vigor that resembles everything I disrespect, and loathe about human nature. And would you believe it? I’m still not one hundred about what I’d prefer to be doing. Freelancing is cool, but what of the days when the fish just aren’t biting as per normal?)

9. Go Somewhere Far ( I love you L.A. I hate you L.A.)

10. Work On Body & Mind ( nuff said…)

So in retrospect, this is only a snapshot of what’s been on my mind as of late. I wish I were more visual about the things I see, and reporting it here much more often. A part of me is jonesing pretty hard to meet new folks and see where so many of these experiences take me. I may not have all the tools that could get me all the connections I need, but I want to just enjoy the trip and regret nothing.

And who knows? Sharing this with a special other may be on the manifest.

-and btw- A remake of Bonnie & Clyde starring Hillary Duff? WHAT....THE....BALLS?

dreams, life, plans, worries

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