Simply Sick Of This

Jan 24, 2009 08:03

In response to this absurdity. M.Night & Crew, I can't help but wonder where exactly you think this is all a good idea. When The Sixth Sense came out, and practically blew the pubic away, there was not only a feeling that we were in the midst of a amazing talent, but it felt as if a door had cracked open in the fabric of multicultural visual art. It helped usher in a time where films were even more diverse in its representation of ethnicities & character sincerity seemed finally within reach.

Then things just suddenly slipped out of grip. It almost feels as if the bliss many felt was just a mirage. The hologram projector had a burnout, and now we see Hollywood's half-hearted face yet again.

Avatar:TLA is a tremendous series, one that likely benefitted from embracing a more progressive look at eastern culture. It deserves the kind of respect that is greater than most animated projects. So is it because something personal? Did something hurt so bad that one just does not care anymore? Do your achievements mean so little and work this important that you have to phone it in from home?

Its time like this that Thoreau made all the sense in the world.

adaptation, animation, shymalan, racism, casting, film

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