Because you can't do spoiler cuts on freakin' FaceBook. I'm just going to paste something I wrote to my brother earlier. He thought the Rick/Joe ending was unrealistic. So my response follows. Feel free to jump in and comment. And I hope I do this right. It's been years since I've done a cut.
Cut for spoiler discussion )
Rick still didn't have the right to make that call - he was Farmer Rick at the time - he had no power in the prison. He wasn't on the council. He acted entirely arbitrarily. For all he knew, he was killing Carole just as he thought Carole had killed Karen and David - without consulting anyone. He was no different than she was.
How was Carole responsible for preparing for an entire epidemic on her own? There were still quite a few people (many already coughing and wheezing) in the prison at the time. As I recall, she had quite a bit on her hands, what with cooking for the prison, babysitting all the kids, preparing the 'hospital ward', etc.
Nice rape-apology. Daryl had a pretty good sense how bad they were. No, he didn't know at least one was a rapist, but once they spotted Rick, he knew what they were capable of. BTW, you're pretty quick to forgive the men on this program, but not the women? Just sayin' ...
If you think the writing is so shitty, why are you watching? A lot of us (12 million+ in the States watched the finale) happen to think the writing is mostly pretty spot on.
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