Not a meme but a question

Jan 10, 2011 14:10

This was a Question of the Day over at Shakesville a while back, and it received some interesting answers. I thought I'd repost it here and on FaceBook (since I have a different flist over there).

If you were to have the good fortune of an admired singer/songwriter/lyricist offering to compose/sing a song just for you, by whom would that offer be made?

(If hearing impaired flisters, or anyone else, would prefer to answer what poet they would chose to write a poem just for them, please feel free to modify.)

I would want Leonard Cohen to compose it, and I think I'd like Loreena McKennitt to sing it. Or Tom Waits. It would depend on the song.

(I'm using this icon because it always reminds me of Cohen's song, Joan of Arc.)

OK, have at it, please.


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