Drift door_0132, originally uploaded by
It's been insane around here for the past three days. High winds from the north with wind chills of -30C/-22F, snow squalls, flash freezing. The drifts have been crazy. This one stands between the house and the mill. No one can pull into the parking lot because of the deep snow. We are all so ready for this to go away.
The drift is a bit smaller to the right, so Dar made it to the mill without
having to do any mountain climbing.
The girls' barn. Notice the big drift in their little paddock on the left, too.
The wind has been so fierce and so cold that all of the alpacas have been holed
up in their respective shelters. (The girls' barn is completely locked down.)
I'm sure they're going stir crazy, but their survival instincts are keeping them inside.