No crias yet, although a couple of the girls are certainly looking ready to drop a baby. Delilah is making noises like she's in labor, but there's been no actual activity. The clock is ticking, guys - let's get those birthings moving along, please.
The trees are budding into leaves already. I'm astounded by how early spring has arrived this year. I'm also stuffed up and sniffly because of spring allergies, but I don't care about that, because I'm just so grateful to have the warmer weather here at last. I love seeing all the green in the fields and lawns and the colors from the early flowers. Being farm country, we're also getting the smell of manure rather the fragrance of blossoms, but that literally comes with the territory.
Spring also means it's Huge Farm Vehicle season. Before I moved here I honestly had no idea how monstrous some of those machines could be and how lethal with all those discs and spreaders and spikes jutting out everywhere. I had to make a detour into someone's driveway today because there was a machine coming towards me that literally took up the whole road. If there hadn't been a driveway handy, I would have had to back up quite a distance until I found one or backed onto the main route. HUGE freakin' vehicles. And they cause massive backups on the main roads, too, because they're difficult to pass. Another month or so and they should be less present on the roadways, so we all just have to hang on to our patience.
In a bit of good news, I received email from a company called Schmap Guides saying that
one of my photos is short-listed for inclusion in their next guide for Fort Worth. I won't get any money for it, but I'll get an attribution. Cool! Apparently they went browsing through Flickr looking for Fort Worth tags and stumbled across it. I don't think they'll use it, because there's probably something more representative of the Hilton, but I'm pleased that they liked it enough to consider it.
Speaking of photos, none today; I was shaking too much to have anything come out. I really need to get a decent tripod or see about getting my old one fixed. Actually I'd love to get the type that has a quick release for the camera. I wind myself and the camera up in knots trying to screw it and unscrew it now. One of these days. I'll just add that onto my list of things for when I win the lottery, which I really should start playing, I guess :)