Update on the run

Jan 06, 2010 22:39

Well not so much on the run as on the lie down. Which I'm getting ready to do.

The good news is that Dar had her doctor appointment yesterday, and her hemoglobin not only held but is somewhat higher than when she finished the chemo. Yay! She'll have to have it checked every three months, but if it stays at these levels, no more chemo.

It's still bitterly cold here; the temperature is only in the low teens, and that's without the wind chill. The wind is still whipping in out of the north, and that just makes everything more miserable. I got to stay inside all day today, but that doesn't mean that I can't have sympathy for everyone else who has to deal with it.

I'm not exactly sick, but I've mostly lost my voice. I've had a sore throat for a few days now, and I've been terribly dry; together that adds up to alternately squeaking and croaking when I talk. I think it's a Sjogren's flare, and to be honest I have no idea what to do about it. All the doctors talk about what to do about the lupus, but they're pretty silent about the Sjogren's. But then that's why the FSM gave us the internet. Google to the rescue! I hope :)

I'm still casting about for something to read, and I think this may be the ticket. I'm just going to lift the pertinent part from another post on my FL:

Excerpt from a review of Ouroboros by Michael Kelly and Carol Weekes: "Whether I would recommend this story to the casual reader is uncertain. This story is too heavy, too deep for the reader looking for a simple ghost story. This is for a reader who craves a story that is on the dark side; a story that probes into that reader’s heart, where the uneasy questions about life and existence are stuck at the very back of her consciousness, only to surface as she tries to go to sleep at night. I guarantee you, I will probably lose some sleep over this story."

Sounds right up my alley, as they say.

weather, books, health, dar

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