Jul 16, 2008 10:32
We've been without internet access for the past three days. Something went horribly wrong with our satellite service, apparently. Dar and I are at the library now taking advantage of their systems, but hopefully we'll be back online at home soon.
Dar had her jaw surgery yesterday. She was in a great deal of pain yesterday, but she's much improved today. Her oral surgeon is a fucking horse's ass, btw.
The biggest and worst news for me is that Mao's been missing for over 24 hours now. One of the cats pried the screen door open in the early morning hours Tuesday, and when I got up at 4:30AM the only cats in the house were Jane and Holmes. Even Rocky was gone. (He never goes outside.) I had to get Dar to the hospital for her 6AM sign-in, so there wasn't much I could do at that point. We got home at noon, and I spent the rest of the day trying to find Rocky and then once he appeared, trying to lure him inside. Plus alpaca duty and general household stuff. It wasn't until late afternoon that I realized that I hadn't seen Mao at all. I thought perhaps he was asleep in Dar's closet (one of his favorite spots), but she was sleeping and I didn't want to wake her to search. But it turns out he wasn't there anyway. I went outside and searched around and called him, but no sight nor sound of him. I really got worried as it got to be early evening, because if he's outside Mao will always curl up on the deck chair to enjoy the twilight. Besides, he's always around at several points during the day to come in and get some water and some food.
Mark and I went out after dark calling and looking for him. I went out into the wooded areas this morning calling for him and then listening to see if I could hear him - just in case he was injured or trapped. Nothing. I really think that a wild animal got him, and I'm . . . heartbroken. Dar says to keep believing that he'll come back or that maybe someone scooped him up thinking he was a stray, and I bless her for her optimism, but I find it hard to believe. He was out in the dark, and being declawed he had no way to defend himself or climb out of danger. The best I can hope for is that he got nosey and went exploring in a neighbor's barn or shed and got himself locked in and he'll get out again soon. But my heart says that he's gone.