My airport card died on my laptop, so I'm writing this from my old desktop Mac. A mouse! A scrunched up keyboard! EEP! Heh. It's also a lot slower than my laptop because it's an older OS. And trust me, I'm not complaining, because any internet connection is better than no internet connection.
I'll tell you, that wonky airport was playing havoc with my Scramble experience. I'd be typing all these words that I'd found, and about one in ten was making it onto the board. So I'd exit the game before my score could be compiled because that would bring down my stats, eh. Not that they're all that and a bag o' chips to begin with. (So
sffan, that's why it took me so long to respond.)
It turns out that I don't have a cold after all. That was one wicked bout of allergies, though, I'll tell you that much. Still yesterday was a better day, and I got out there after 5PM to run the lawn tractor over the back 40 (as we like to call it.) The back field is completely overrun. It's a freakin' jungle. I wouldn't be at all shocked to run into jaguars and cobras and velocoraptors. I did manage to cut a swath around the fence line anyway, but there were several times when I had to maneuver back out of a ditch left over from having the water line to the barns repaired. It's a mess, and I really need to fill in that trench. Someday. Somehow.
darlong had written that yesterday was exceedingly . . . UVish. It's not that the temperatures were extreme, because they weren't, but the sun was being very aggressive. I don't know how to describe it accurately. The UV index was 9 out 10, and since UV is my enemy, I stayed indoors as much as I could between 10AM and 4PM. Even after 5, though, I could feel it beating me up - and I was wearing SPF 70 sunscreen. I thought for sure that I'd be paying for it today, but so far so good.
I'll probably be spending the rest of the day obsessing over the kidney biopsy tomorrow. Not the procedure, mind you, but the preparation. Lists and lists of things I have to do, not do, things I have to be sure they know before they start the procedure (Item #1 - I've had a gastric bypass so do not intubate me!), and in all ways carry on as if I were planning the freakin' D Day invasion. Because I'm a nut case. But it keeps me off the streets and out of trouble, so there is an up side. And a grateful Canada sighs.
OK, off I go to recreate some bookmarks on this old workhorse of a Mac. Awww, I love my little stand-alone Mac :)