1. Typhoon Tobey blew into town like the force of nature that she is. Yupper, there is
cajoje in the house :) I think she finally fell asleep, poor thing; she'd been up and going without sleep for a long time before she made it through our door. The Tobelet is with her, and my how the boy has grown. I keep forgetting that kids do that.
longshadowsfall and her two friends are off to Chicago tomorrow to see one of their favorite musicals. There has been group singing, and dyeing of hair and some mysterious hammering going on. I actually do remember being 16, so I'm not even gonna ask them about it. I figure in this case ignorance will most definitely be bliss.
3. Jester made it through the night OK. I was watching from the house when Dar was out there and let the alpacas out of the barn for their morning breakfast. Now alpacas are timid creatures, but they are also nosier than any dozen cats that you can name. They took one look at this huge horse standing in their back paddock by their second barn . . . and they formed a tight group and advanced on the poor critter. Jester took off to the back of the paddock, and the herd lined up cheek by jowl staring at him and each other and no doubt asking, "What the hell is that?" "Do you know what that is?" "No, really. What is that?" Maddie went out to see Jester later in the morning, and she said that he was starting to settle in, so that's some good news.
4. In the Oh, So That's the Way This Year is Going to Go Department, we had a spectacular and violent explosion in the kitchen of a Pyrex pie plate. Dar was trying to get dinner together and answer a question on the phone and get ready to clean off the satellite dish - and she turned on the wrong burner on the stove. The one with Pyrex plate sitting on it while also being covered by an aluminum cake pan. I was sitting in the dining room right off the kitchen, and Maddie had just walked past the stove when suddenly there was a loud cracking, splitting noise and glass was flying everywhere. She's really lucky that she didn't get cut. Happily none of the cats was in the kitchen, either, although Pixel came running to see what was happening. I shagged her out so she wouldn't cut her feet.
The whole meal had to be scrapped and started from scratch. All the cat food and water had to be tossed. I mean there was glass everywhere. On the other hand, the mound of glass that we collected in the aftermath was really quite lovely. (You gotta find your bliss where you can, people.)
5. I joined a new photo posting community called
pic52. It's based on
pic365, but you just have to post a picture a week instead of doing it daily. I loved doing pic365, but I wasn't up for continuing the daily posting. This is a great compromise. I really have to figure out how to efficiently browse the community listings. Is that even possible? How the hell do you all find all of those comms that you belong to, anyway?
6. Considering how active I was yesterday, today wasn't as bad as I thought it was going to be for me. It did start to go downhill late in the afternoon, but that wasn't entirely unexpected. I'm wicked tired, though, and I should take that as my cue to get some sleep. The question is, will I? Tune in tomorrow.