May 29, 2007 22:32
After a wild day of transporting people hither and yon, I made it to my doctor to see what's what with all this leg pain. She doesn't have a clue. It's all a mystery. However, she did give me referrals for blood work, x-rays, and rehab. The rehab may be months down the line due to the lack of medical personnel around here, but at least it's out there on the horizon somewhere. The good news is that she's taking all of this seriously because it is so bizarre. I'm supposed to take AC&C's every four hours (that's tylenol with equal but small amounts of caffeine and codeine), plus she gave me a prescription for a daily anti-inflammatory that won't eat away at the lining of my pouch, and a prescription for Tylenol-3 to take at bedtime. If that don't do the trick, I'm to call her. And let me tell you, if that don't do the trick, I'll be camped out on her doorstep.
In alpaca news (because there's always alpaca news), Delilah ripped off a pretty big patch of skin on her face. We found blood on that stupid, naked pine tree that they're always scraping up against, so she either scraped more than she intended to, or else she and Adama were goofing around (as usual) and she got pushed up against it pretty forcefully. Either way, the tree is coming down tomorrow. Have saw, will cut.
I killed the lawn tractor trying to cut down the brush out in the outback. (Reminds me of a song from The Bonzo Bow-wow Dog Band: "Hunting tigers, out in India. Out in, out in, out in India. Ia!") Anyway, the blades got all hung up on something out there, and now we have nothing but the push mower to use against the five acres of rapidly growing weeds and grass. I did some hand mowing this morning but had to quit after about 30 minutes because of the heat. Tomorrow and Thursday are each going to be progressively hotter. Joy. I'll do what I can, because heat stroke is not my friend. We will be investing in a brush mower.
Still haven't had a chance to assemble the seed spreader. Hopefully tomorrow while I'm hiding from the killer heat. (Seriously - 30C/90F with humidity. Yikes!)
Funny moment to leave you with. I was driving the Nana and JBD to his appointment with the oral surgeon today. Dar had him looped up because he's anxious about dental work and this was going to be pretty intense. Anyway, we're listening to this great oldies station out of Toronto when on comes "Ghost Riders in the Sky." Very soft and low from the back seat I hear JBD singing along, "Yippee ai yay, yippee ai yo" and then the Nana joins in. Hee! It was so cute. Poor guy went on to have a tough time of it at the surgeon's office. Dar's keeping a close eye on him, and we'll be going back tomorrow for a follow-up. Maybe they'll be playing more cowboy music on the radio :)