My journal has now closed it's doors to the public, after just over a year of free entry. I'm being shady and now am inflicting it on friends only, so if you wish to be added to my friends list, leave me a message here and I'll see if I deem you cool/uncool enough. Erm, only joking kiddos.
But still, I'm not really.
: name = Mary
:x: nicknames = Mays, most notably. It’s pretty much become my name now.
:x: piercings = Ears. I am boring. Yes.
:x: tattoos = None.
:x: tattoos you want (if any): There's a sanskrit symbol for love that I've wanted on my inner wrist for many years now.
:x: height = Around 5'8"?
:x: shoe size = 8
:x: hair color = Brunette.
:x: siblings = Two big bro’s, 20 and 22. I am the Baby of the family.
:x: movie you rented =deary me, possibly one of the Kill Bills? It was so long ago.
:x: movie you bought = Something for my parents at christmas I'll bet. Not sure what.
:x: song you listened to = Elbow - Station Approach.
:x: song that was stuck in your head = James Brown - Get Up ( a sex machine!) Haha
:x: cd you listened to = Eugene Kelly - Man Alive.
:x: person you've called = Haha, Hastie Cabs
:x: person that's called you = Kenny
:x: tv show you've watched = Green Wing :)
:x: you have a crush on someone = Yes.
:x: you wish you could live somewhere else = Pretty much anywhere else
:x: you think about suicide = Emo quiz alert.
:x: you believe in online dating = As a hobby, most fervently
:x: you want more piercings = Not really. Toyed with the idea of getting my lip pierced in Camden but I think my mum would erm, disinherit me!
:x: you like cleaning = When I get in the zone for it, I’m a cleaning demon. I think I’ve got about three years now, cleaning zone-free.
:x: you like roller coasters = Yes please, plenty!
:x: you write in cursive or print = Cursive?
:x: long distance relationships = If it’s right, it’ll work. But it'll still be a bitch!
:x: using someone = To my advantage? :p. Nah, probably not.
:x: suicide = Against, but mostly because I just think it’s pretty tragic for someone to feel so bad as to do something so drastic.
:x: teenage smoking = I’m neither for nor against it, kids are crazy, they’ll try anything.
:x: driving drunk = Against. Actually so against this it’s quite suprising.
:x: soap operas = For. Neighbours, Corrie, Hollyoaks., I have so much love for them.
:x: ever cried over a girl = Yeah, I’m not made of stone. And not in a lesbian way either.
:x: ever cried over a boy = *shakey fist*.
:x: ever lied to someone = Yeah, in attempts to protect people’s feelings I lie all the time.
:x: ever been in a fist fight = Nope.
:x: ever been arrested = Haha no. Had to give a statement once which was pretty horrendous, although it wasn't me who was in trouble.
:x: shampoo do you use = Treseme or some such spelling. I'm normally half asleep when I pick up the bottle.
:x: shoes do you wear = Converse, my red boots if i'm not worried about being too tall or my wee £10 gutties with holes in the bottom from Asda :)
:x: what are you scared of = Spiders, the dark, and spiders in the dark.
:x: of times I have been in love = One hundred million times.
:x: of times I have had my heart broken = Once
:x: of hearts I have broken = I don't know, maybe once. Hopefully never, it's not a nice thing.
:x: of people I would classify as true, could trust with my life type friends = That's a lot to trust someone with..
:x: of times my name has appeared in the newspaper = Probably a few, just the local rags y’know? ‘Blantyre girl represents school’ yadda yadda…
:x: of scars on my body = I have a chicken pox scar on my arm, and one on my knee from when I fell down a hill. Countless wee ones on my hand from working in Asda, war wounds I call them. And one on the top of my leg from when I kinda, ripped it on a broken bedspring. Classy lady.
:x: of things in my past that I regret = Those tequila shots at 12 hour cheesy '04. Getting so drunk at New Year 2003… sensing a pattern.
:x: funny = I don’t really try to be.
:x: friendly = Sure, I’ll talk to anyone.
:x: loveable = Once you know me, I think so. Possibly.
:x: caring = I hope you think I am!
:x: sweet = I can giggle with the best of them.
:x: dorky = I’m at Uni, it’s allowed. Nay, encouraged.
:x: slept in your bed = Me
:x: saw you cry = Hmm can't actually remember.
:x: made you cry = I can't remember. *lies*
:x: you went to the movies with = Paul from Uni, ehh in March?
:x: made you laugh = My politics tutor who today set our group up in a role-playing UN Conference situation with propositions, resolutions, veto.. the works. Ha.
:x: missed you = My lovely Gran, who I just visited today for the fist time in forever.
:x: told you they loved you = my mum before going to bed.
:x: kissed you = My mum before going to bed :P
:x: hugged you = My mum.. yawn.
:x: wrote you a letter = Sian!
:x: gave you something = My mum, dinner :)
:x: made fun of you = Kev, for my pool playing skills. It hurt real deep.
:x: said something weird to you = I could never embarrass him by repeating that.
:x: dedicated a song to you = Last year, or two years ago now when Terra supported Idlewild; before “Perfect Mistake” Iain went up to the Mic and said “This one’s for Mays.” I was pretty much the only Terra fan in the crowd, it was awesome! Everyone nearby thought I was cool.
:x: said "I love you" and meant it = Yes.
:x: said "I love you" and didn't mean it = ….Yes. I know, I suck.
:x: went out in public in your pajamas = Yeah, from my house to my garage. I do class that as public, because there is a walk involved!
:x: cried during a movie = Frequently. It’s embarrassing.
:x: had a song written about you = Yes, it too was embarrassing.
:x: loved somebody so much it made you cry = No.
:x: hid someone in your house = I think I’ve had people in my room and my parents didn’t even notice.
:x: slow-danced = Yes.
:x: been kicked out = Oh yes.
:x: been caught with drugs/alcohol = Yes/Yes
:x: hugged someone and never wanted to let go = Yes. Though snuggling is far better.
:x: prettiest = They're all hotties.
:x: ugliest = I don't hang about with ugly people.
:x: funniest = Whenever the band get together I don't stop laughing till I fall asleep.
:x: weirdest = Tom. For sure.
:x: most trustworthy = Parkeroni and Emmy
:x: quietest = Iain M. Who doesn't read this, but he is still the quietest.
:x: would you be most likely to date = Haha *roll eyes*
:x: would you bring on a deserted island with you = P.A.R.T.Y!!!!!! Where's the rum? hehe.
:x: can you not live without? = I need you all, some in very different ways.