Oct 10, 2002 23:38
So..Fox's new lineup pisses me off. I used to be able to watch seinfeld everynight at 11, but now Will and Grace is on at 11. Don't get me wrong, i love will and grace, but they need to put it on at 11:30 so i don't have to stay up that extra hour just to watch seinfeld. If i stay up to watch seinfeld, then that means i have to surf my cable box until i find a movie that just started, and then i have to watch it. I just can't stop myself...the same way i can't stop myself from biting my nails.
I had a pretty decent day at work today. I worked with john, and he's always fun. I love hearing the stories of when he was growing up. He has the funniest stories. Shit, the man has been arrested for solicitation. I bought him a birthday card at walmart today, and the male checker looked at it and said "I don't even want to know" and i said "good, cause it's for a man" and then he said "now i really don't want to know" i suggested they should get things yielding toward gays and lesbians as well as straight people. I had to pick out a "card for her" for John. The walmart employee then said "walmart is a family store" I didn't think about it then, but i'm thinking about it now, and that's pretty damn fucked up. Gays and lesbians are families too. They should be able to go to walmart and pick out a card for their husband or wife just like straight people can. I will never know what gays and lesbians go thru for acceptance from the stupid ones, but i know it must hurt, and i know it SUCKS. They are NORMAL people just like everyone else... Their relationships are no different from straight couples relationships. If only everyone could realize that. ha...a family store...families are supposed to be filled with love, and happiness, and i know MANY gay people who have families filled with love and happiness.
In other rants, i wonder if the neighbor will be calling the police again tomorrow. My sister needs an alarm clock to wake her up, or she doesn't get to work, she doesn't get paid, and she doesn't pay the bills, so...the man can go fuck himself!
Boyfriend will be here tomorrow and i can't wait.. it's been cold the past couple of nights, and i could use a good ol snuggle :-)