Migraines SUCK

Oct 02, 2002 11:06

Why do i feel like a loser when i call in?! i guess it's that i feel bad for leaving them hanging..but that's what clay is for i guess.

My migraine is still here. It's laying low just waiting for the perfect trigger to set it off. It could be anything at this point. We're on day 2 and something as simple as perfume can make it come back. Carbination will do it..too much wind or chocolate will do it. I had every intention on going to work today, but just thinking about the loud beeps and the stench of cheap cologne, and the stinch of people sitting on their asses for days on end just makes my migraine want to come back fully.

This would be a good as time as any to take something like "imitrex" for the trigger, however..with no insurance i can't take that now can i? It didn't work while i had it anyway. I now depend on vicodin for my migraine pain, but as i told gregg last night..it seems like it just isn't doing the job anymore. I have to get vicodin from other people's prescriptions. Like when my sister got her teeth pulled, she gave me her vicodin. After my mom's surgery, she gave me her vicodin. Laura once claimed she had really bad pains, so she gave me her vicodin.

I've been on prescription pills since the 3rd grade. It started out as half a codeine, then went from one codeine to 6 codeine just to make the pain stop by the time i was in the 7th grade. From the age 11 to 14 i was on verapamil daily. A blood pressure medicane to keep my blood flowing normally that way when a migraine came (and it wasn't supposed to) The blood vessels in my brain wouldn't pinch shut too much, and it was then, at age 14 when they gave me the vicodin as a Just in case. After the verapamil stopped working, i went on numerous other medicanes to make the migraines stop, but they never worked. I just used vicodin for the pain...to this day.

I don't know why i get them. I've gone thru many tests as far as "push my hand with your left foot, push my hand with your right foot" but all of these tests resulted in nothing. It isn't period related. Some women get them around that time of the month..i get them whenever my brain feels like it. I can't smell any incense or that's it for me. That will do it immediately. I remember i once went to a dr. that pushed a certain spot in my neck, and bam..instant migraine. To make it go away, he gave me a shot in my neck, and shot liquid up my nose, and boom..it was gone. Too bad i ran out of medical insurance shortly after that, or i'd definately be taking the liquid that goes up your nose.

I get them in my left eye only. i've gotten them in my right eye probably 2 times out of 1000. Those are the crippling ones. I can't cope with right eye migraines, the pain is 110xs worse. While some people suffer a classic or normal migraine, seeing "auras" right before *lines, little shapes in one eye* i See these things constantly. Without a migraine. I don't see aura's with a migraine, the only things i suffer besides pain is i become "handicapped" as i like to call it. I forget what i was talking about. I can't concentrate on anything, i give people the wrong change back at work, and i seriously forget everything right then and there. You could ask me a question and i could forget it the second you asked if i had a migraine. I could tell you something, and the words dont' come out right, so i have to start over. It doesn't happen with all of them, but it does for most of them.

Most of the time, out of my left eye only i see little things fly by. They almost look like little clear worms floating thru the air or the sky. I see them better if there is a lot of light, but most of the time, in a normal lighted room, i can't see them as good. With a background, such as the sky..they appear very well. Migraines don't come before of after i see them, they just appear whenever they want..just like the migraines.

I don't know how i went from "i'm not working today" to my migraine history..but there they are anyway..lol. So yes, i'm staying home today, and i feel shitty about it..but oh well i guess. Tonight is the lottery..and i can't wait to see if i won anything *just like everyone else in california* And if i didn't, well then..i just contributed to the person who does.
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