update on the past few days

Oct 21, 2005 04:40

I don't even know what to say anymore. LOL I've let so many days lapse since my last update that I know I can't fit in as many details as I normally do. Maybe that's a good thing ;)

Monday morning, Rob did come to pick up the Thanksgiving leftovers that I'd packed for him. I thought it was going to be a "hi, kiss, thanks for the food, see ya later" kind of visit, but he actually had time to stay for half an hour. I was babysitting my 2 year old daycare girl that day so he got to meet her. It was so funny: once he was there, I might as well have been invisible for all *R* cared! LOL She was reading books with Rob (we had a bunch out already) and wasn't paying one little bit of attention to me. If she said something and I responded but Rob didn't, she'd sit there looking at him, waiting for him to say something, even if it was the exact same thing I said! LOL And if he didn't say anything, she'd repeat herself and wait for him to answer. He was sooo great with her! I think he's a natural ;) When he was leaving for work (he got called in, even though it's his day off), *R* walked to the door with us and she looked at Rob and went "hug kiss?" It was soooooo adorable!! She didn't even want to give ME a hug when she left that day! Hehe. I talked to him later that night and apparently he was terrified and had no clue what to do with her, but I think he was amazing. Of course, I always think that ;)

On Monday night when we were chatting, I found out that Rob had already formulated a plan for how and when he was going to propose. He wouldn't tell me anything, except "not this year".

Tuesday, Rob and his brother went to Timmy's for lunch (as they usually do) and he picked up some Halloween trick or treating bags for the kids. So sweet of him to think of that, even though he still hasn't met them yet.

Tuesday night he wrote me another poem. I'm keeping that one for myself ;) (For now at least... lol) And, of course, we chatted for hours and hours like we have every night since we started talking :)

On Wednesday, Rob played hooky from work and we spent the whole day together. It was soooo great!! I feel like I can't get enough of him. When we're together, time flies by way too fast and when we're apart, it slows to a crawl :( In the morning, we looked at engagement rings online. In the afternoon, I had an appointment at the welfare office (hurray for not bussing there!) and then we went to Home Depot (love that store!) and had lunch and got some gardening stuff, including soil which I *cannot* take on the bus! LOL

Yesterday we didn't get to talk all that much (comparatively speaking of course). He had to tidy up his apartment and I had to clean mine, and then I had bible study here at 8:00. I managed to get a lot done yesterday, which felt good. I'd been neglecting things far too much. But yeah... bible study was good. I made banana chocolate chip cake with cream cheese frosting. SOOOO GOOD!!!

At one point over the past few days, I managed to find out that Rob's plan was to propose one year from the day we first met in person. I told him that seemed WAAAAAAAAAAAY too far away!! In a normal relationship, a year is a perfectly good time to propose. But in the world of "Rob and Sarah's relationship", a year is an eternity!! After all, we've only known each other 10 days and we've already got our future planned! We are positive that we want to be together forever and are committed to making it work no matter what gets thrown at us. So why torture ourselves with waiting?! Turns out that mostly he's just really worried about what everyone will think, and is worried that they won't accept it. I told him that those who will accept it, will do so no matter when it happens. And besides, I already told my dad and my aunt that I'm going to marry him and they're already happy for us. My mom... well, she'll get used to the idea :P I don't think she would be positive or optimistic about it if it happened a year from now either. So I think (I hope) he's revising his proposal plan!! But we'll see :) Maybe he'll bump it up to the six-month mark instead :)

We've had a few little "issues" crop up already. Not even really issues, but things that upset one of us. Insecurity issues (we've both been badly hurt in the past), problems with each other's past, fears about the future. Stuff like that. But you know what's incredible? We have been able to be totally open and honest with each other and talk it out and work through it TOGETHER!! And so the issues have been laid to rest long before they get a chance to eat us up inside or come between us. I am ecstatic to finally be with someone who understands and values open communication and can actually do it! lol Because of that, I KNOW that we can work through anything. And that there will be far fewer big issues, since they'll be dealt with while they're still small issues.

Rob continues to say wonderful, amazing, sweet, caring things all the time. He does little things that make my heart melt and/or soar. And I know that he'll continue to do them forever. (After all, if he doesn't, I'll kick his ass :P LOL) Yesterday he wrote an email (bringing up another small issue) and he said:

I love you with the bottom of my heart Sarah..You have no idea how I am feeling right now..You made me the happiest person alive..I want to marry you and spend my remaining days with you on this earth..I also have no doubt that will happen...I really believe we are soulmates and are totally ment to be together forever...You are amazing, and you are everthing I ever wanted in one person,,,a great mother, hope to be my loving wife..Perfect intimate partner,,and show me How much you really love me is the best of all..

My lover and my future wife,,I love saying this...I cant wait to hear those words Mrs Sarah Woods...that is going to be so amazing...I am so looking forward to being in your arms all my life...I love looking into your beautiful eyes,,I really feel when I am staring right into them,,it like everything stops,,and a serenity comes over me,,,like i was feeling heaven where everything is so perfect...That is the feeling you give me everytime i am with you...

I cant wait to see you tomrrow,, it is so hard to be away from you,,I think i need to see you more so our relationship builds faster...My feeling are growing to fast for my knowledge of knowing you personally...I know for each day we spend together this will change but i cant wait i want to know everything about you now...I guess I am being impatient,,

You know that when i am finally living with you,,,You will see a guy mid thirty's,, dark hair ,,blue/grenn eyes,,and this amazing grin on his face everytime I roll over and see you next to me...

Sarah you are the greatest person,,I love you so much..
And I thank god for his help in helping you find your way to me...

I hope you are finding this e-mail not to hard on you,,,I just want to make sure you know how much you mean to me..I know at the top wasnt very promising,,but i had to say it...

Well I think this is getting very long..

Goodnight My beautiful Sarah,,

Love always,


Is he incredible or what?! I am sooooooo glad I found him :)
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