Well hey Friday night, how are you?
I'm all right. I'm at home, on the couch, because that's how I roll. My body is just trying to reject my face, but that's kind of normal. This week has not been good for my allergies. I thought I had a cold on Monday (since the pressure in my face was different than usual) but the past two days something's been up and I have no idea what it could be. I'm starting to wonder if I'm allergic to my apartment, or maybe just air. It's reached the point where I'm in that semi-drugged state of "bliihhhhhhhh?" where everything takes incredible effort since sneezing is a full body action for me and blowing my nose is almost an unconscious action, therefore all days of allergies are incredibly taxing and for some reason I decided this would be a good time to make an LJ post.
I fell asleep for about 45 minutes with a wet washcloth on my face. I came by this time judgement by the last thing I remember in "The Goldberg Variation" and the time I woke up in "Orison." Because for me, time is measure in X-Files episodes.
Brief pause to mention that Chris found my mentholatum and I put it on my nose and OH GOD IT FEELS SO GOOD MMM MENTHOL BSjkabdkgsk INHAAAAAAAAAALE
Anyway. I had forgotten that the new Star Trek trailer came out until
feels_like_fire reminded me, and then I watched it, and was struck by feelings that I wasn't sure I wanted/needed/was ready for. I've had a weird relationship with fandom since forever becoming involved with "Avengers" and my first reaction was "OH GOD I DON'T NEED MORE THINGS TO HAVE FEELINGS ABOUT." I haven't even written since I posted my STBB last year. But I already have deep-seated ST feelings, I've just been angry about how long this has taken, and keeping my heart in a box until I have it in front of me, ready to attempt a multi-fandom lifestyle. Hopefully by May I'll be there.
...also I admit to holding my breath until they showed a shot of Sulu. It was brief, but he was there! Priorities.
-It finally happened, and a kid threw up on the floor by the register. I didn't see it, but I heard it, and cringed, but I did not punch the child. I would, however, liked to have punched her mom, who not only SHOOED HER PUKING DAUGHTER AWAY SO SHE COULD FINISH CHECKING OUT, but then finally left without even an apology or an "oh my gosh, can I do something?" I guess she felt since she'd given us money, it was totally cool to ignore her sick kid and get barf on the rugs we have cleaned on Sunday. I mean, yes, take care of your child, but it would have been nice if she'd decided to take care of her child WHEN SHE GOT SICK instead of going through with her transaction. Dude, we would have waited.
My managers were hilariously sullen about the whole event. Many pairs of rubber gloves were deployed, and much mopping and spraying took place.
-In a less gross event, on Tuesday I got cornered while shelving the business section by a girl who went from "I don't read a lot because my ADHD makes it hard do you ever get that thing where you're reading but then you want to write a fanfic with your OCs..." to telling me at length about on of her D&D OCs until one of my coworkers rescued me. And then when I got back out on a the floor she found me again and told me about wanting to sew "My Little Pony" plush (the ponies, how they haunt me). She gradually made her way around to everyone who was on the floor, talking to them about everything from her age to her pets to her poor short term memory (Which led her to repeat things about every minute, most particularly about how she has poor short term memory). And her name was Amber. When she said that I almost pulled out my eyes and threw them at her.
But yeah. So we spent half an hour trying to rescue one another from her clutches, but when she left I kind of missed her. :F
Also I would like to say that while I escaped Black Friday unscathed, I've already been thoroughly brutalized by our Christmas music selection at work. With the exception of "Rockin' Around the Christmas Tree" and "Chorus of the Bells," I don't like carol-themed music at all anyway, and our CDs happen to be largely jazz-based renditions, with the singers sounding either borderline suicidal or WAY TOO EXCITED ABOUT EVERYTHING!!!!!twelve There's no middle ground to this, except the CDs with Sinatra on massive quantities of valium and the horrible acoustic guitar version of "Greensleeves."
And that's all the news that's fit to print. Or you know, that I felt needed to be shared. Back to nose-blowing.