Oct 05, 2010 23:05
Been craving a thai curry, but putting on my shoes and brushing my hair just sounded much too hard.
So instead I made it from scratch. Because yeah, making coconut curry, jasmine rice, peanut noodles, and kashmiri naan ALL FROM SCRATCH is just so much easier than driving ten minutes. Logic, be gone. I will have none of thee.
I return to you triumphant. Not only did I finally make successful stuffed naan with the bread machine (one batch of garlic, one cashew and cherry) but I also combined recipes for kai kang dang and massaman and ended up with a pot full of pure awesome. I dub it kang dang massaman. Go ahead, say that out loud.
One of my golden rules for life is when in doubt, pick the option with the name that's the most fun to say. It has long served me well.
Going to try to type up the recipes before I completely forget how I made it. If I do, anyone here interested? Or would you prefer to simply admire my mad cooking skillz from afar?