Aug 08, 2008 10:54
Storm should be letting up soon from the looks of it... I expect the ship to be in immediate order the moment the storm is subuded and a straight course back to Bellcius up and ready. We've over-stayed here as long as it is already, tch.
[Filter : Miles Edgeworth | Security : Unhackable]
I suppose you're curled up into a ball somewhere now as always, bastard? Get a grip on yourself before I have to do it for you. Its always unnerving seeing you like that.
filter : victoria ii,
prepare for takeoff!,
ship : victoria ii,
city : melior,
cares seekritly,
another bad day,
annoying idiots,
edgeworth (the bastard),
oshit its a storm,
grumpy mayo boatswain,