Preperation: week 2

Oct 04, 2009 15:51

So I kind of missed week one?
But that was also fail cause I got wounded...

Preperation for what you ask?


Oh yes.
Burning of Kingston reenactment.
I will be there.
And I will be going all out.

Quick backstory:
Okay so this all started with my American Lit class. We were reading Edgar Huntly which was really good but insanely violent. The main character went all rambo on us in the second half of the novel. But at one point they were talking about the French Indian war and the violence in the novel made me think of Last of the Mohicans, aka my favorite movie when I was seven (which btw is NOT age appropriate). So I started craving that with epic proprotions. So one afternoon I found it online and watched it. And then seeing that made me think of the reenactments I went to all dressed up in high school. So then I was like OMFGOSH I NEED TO GO and I called my aunt Sally.
Yeah, the reenactment is the 16 of this month.

When I went home for the weekend last weekend I found that the dress from high school was a tad bit snug and I almost couldn't zip it (not bad though right? It's from high school). SO I had three weeks to go on a crash diet to make the dress fit better. I mean by the end of the weekend I could zip it up but it was still a tad bit snug. So I'm still on my "diet" and exercising everyday. Chyeahhhh.

I'm stoked.  I just cut off my nails (cause they we're looking kind of iffy) so they have time to grow back all niceeeee for the event.  Anddd my hair is ready to be done by my aunt because I practically become her doll for the weekend.  I'm so excited.

Oh and the dress that is motivating me to loose weight and do all this?

Yeah that beast has has four layers of skirts and boning sewn into the bodice.
Not to mention the petticoat that goes underneath....

It's kind an awkward angle to take a picture at but it's standing up by itself....and I have issues walking through doors with it on.

So yeah....12 days.

procrastination, adventures, obsessions, pictures

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