Crossposted at So I finished my lunch and taking reservations a little while's been busy here today which is good. And I'll be working the next few days non stop, until...Thursday? So that will keep me nice and busy as well as giving me some time to write.
As of right now, I have the first eight chapters of Meant to Be edited! And the first two scenes completely rewritten.
I know I'll have to go over it again because I still need to come up with a band name AND sucessfully name Joe's brothers. Their names have changed several times so far. But I have little notes everywhere so it should be easy to go back over it again.
Hopefully I'll be able to finish this by the end of July and start tackling Broken Glass OR start writing Our Separate Ways.
But who knows because in July I'm so far going to two concerts, hopefully two more and then in August, right before I go back to school I hope to go to another one. So that should be exciting but it'll take away some time from writing.
And as for the site, my friend Daisy has been making some graphics for me which I'm really excited about. So far I've really liked all of them, so hopefully the site will look better after she's made a few more.
And I'm thinking about making a separate page for Broken Glass soon or maybe a series page. Not exactly sure yet.
And hopefully Jen and I will be able to go to Shakespeare on the Sound. That would be awesome. Tonight is the last night and I have it off and so does she! So hopefully everything works out.