Hogwarts or Bust

Oct 21, 2008 01:58

Yeah I've been listening to Harry Potter OSTs all day.  And I got my wand in the mail today (I forgot it at home, I know I'm a horrible witch...) and my mom sent it to me.  Once I had it in my hands I had to resist the urge to run around campus, wand in hand reciting spells.

I'm supposed to be writing a sakubun (essay in Japanese) about my favorite place. And what's a sakubun without procrastination? Well....I don't usually write them unless I procrastinate for hours first. So this is just helping that.

I would have to say at the moment my favorite place is Hogwarts; but unfortunately I don't think my Japanese professor will accept that. So we'll have to go with my second favorite place, cafes. I love being able to sit down and escape into my writing or a book. And the music most of them play is so relaxing and helps my muses, not to mention the amazing smell of coffee.
I couldn't figure out my favorite place for a while...but I realized in the shower that cafes was it. xD

Speaking of writing in cafes,
I'm so excited for November and nanowrimo (National Novel Writing Month) in November. Since Madison and Joe are giving me a hard time at the moment I told them to sit back, take a break and then when I poke at them in a while they'll be ready to go for the month. ^_^
ps I love you Jen for this.

I hate school work.
Enough said on that account....

I'm worried about Ayako. She's sick and coughing a lot. And her asthma is bothering her.  T_T  But on the bright side she started Twilight today!

Oh and douchebag?
He can go die.

I'm missing Mims more than  I thought I would.  All day I've been thinking OH I have to tell her this later!  Oh wait...never mind...

ayako, nanowrimo, jen, harry potter, mimmi, college, writing, boys

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