Cosmetology school is a pain in the ass. Especially when you get old ladies who want a perfect perm/roller set/style but only want to pay six bucks. In my opinion, you get what you pay for. So I tried to help everyone I could today. And on the bright side, a lady tipped me six dollars today, and was very agreeable.
And crazy psycho drugged up lady was absent. Which is good, cause I don't like crazy psycho drugged up lady and I just found out that she's offered to get several girls painkillers, muscle relaxers, and other stuff...I've lost what little respect I may have had for the bitch. This lady is old enough to be my mother and she's trying to get us to buy her painkillers. Ugh. Whore.
In other news, I am working on a fic for the Batflash/Boostle challenge at
dccbatflash. *cheers for more Blue Beetle fics* Also, I've got a bunny in my head prompted by
zelly_21. Bruce in the therapist's office.
Therapist. The-rapist. Heh.
Hopefully I'll have that Batflash/Boostle fic posted by tonight. I'm also trying to re-read The Secret of Barry Allen, so we'll see what happens.