I found Normal mode fairly easy overall, though it did have its horribly frustrating moments. For some reason I kept dying on the first few floors of Naoto's dungeon but I don't think I died since that point and only died about 3 or 4 times before then, max, and always on regular enemies rather than bosses for some reason.
I did the True Ending boss without any problem whatsoever but my hero was over-levelled to 93 so I could create Lucifer and other high level Persona so I'd have a nice mostly full compendium for the 2nd cycle.
So I feel like Expert may be doable for me, but if it turns those occasional deaths into something that happens several times every dungeon, it's going to drive me mad. Another complication is that I will now have loads of Persona to use, I have about 88% completion and such high level Personae as Alice, Satan and Lucifer. So that means that Expert or not, most of the game is potentially going to be an absolute pushover for me and it's only towards the end of the game that it's going to get hard. Particularly, and I guess this is really the crux of my question, particularly when I'm fighting Margaret.
So I guess all that can be distilled into these two questions:
- How significant a leap in difficulty is Normal to Expert?
- How hard will Margaret be on Expert compared to on Normal?