Meme stolen from John

Mar 06, 2006 19:09

1. If you had the choice to spin around the sun, or walk on the moon, which would you choose and why?

-Probably the moon. It just seems more appealing and pretty and stuff.

2. If you could share that experience with one person, who would that be, and why?

-I'm not sure... I'm sure Deanna would have fun hopping on the moon.

3. What colour do you think best describes you and why?

-I'd say blue. I'm either sad or in a calm state. Never overly happy.

4. Do you know what your element is? If so what is it?

-Water. Calm, quiet, serene. Yup.

5. Do you know your astrological sign? If so what is it?


6. Do you believe that your dreams are a gateway to your soul?


7. What is your most vivid dream?

-I'd have to say that one dream with the Europe terrorists and the playground of doom...

8. If you could be doing anything right now, what would you be doing and why?

-Visiting John (Wisconsin one)

9. If you could only choose one element to surround yourself with either a)wind, b)fire, c)earth, or d)water, which would you choose and why?

-I'm going to say water because I feel it suits me best and I just like it a lot.

10. Would you ever share you heart completely with someone else? If yes, who, if no, why not?

-If I found someone I care about a whole damn lot. I haven't found that person yet, though

11. Who runs circles around your mind? Anybody who can't get that in 3 guesses....

-Hint: He lives in Wisconsin

12. If you had to paint a self-portrait would you make it a)realistic, b)abstract, or c)you'd rather die than have to pick up a paint brush? Explain your answer.


13. Which do you prefer more and why, a)natural light, b)candle light, c)florescent light, or d)moonlight?


14. Do you believe in karma? Do you even know what karma is?

-I know what it is, and I know it bites me in the ass a lot

15. How about fate? Are we all fulfilling a destiny here on earth?

-I believe that fate effects us to some extent, but we still can control some parts of our life

16. Who is the most thought-provoking person you know, and why?

-No idea, really...

17. Who is the most inspiring and why?

-See above...

18. If you had to spend the rest of your natural life with only one other human being, who would that be and why?

-If you mean romantically, John (Wisc). If you mean friendship wise, that's a tough one...

19. Which sense could you not live without, and why?

-Sight. It'd suck being blind

20. Have you ever written on a mirror? If so what did you write?

-Maybe... don't remember =\

21. Have you ever written or drawn on another person? If so who, and what did you write/draw?

-Yeah. I drew pictures. =)

22. What do you wish on?

-Birthday Candles

23. Tell the person who sent this to you one thing about yourself, however big or small, that you've never told before.

-Can I pass on this one?

24. Right now is your life, spiraling, or ascending? Why?

-It's been going downhill. Yeah

25. If you could change one thing you did in the last 24 hours, what would it be and why?

-I smoked

26. What can someone do to you that would turn you on fully, physical or mental, or both?

-No clue, really. Be funny. =D

27. Do you prefer sleeping outside beneath the night sky, or your cozy bed indoors? Why?

-In my bed. I hate bugs. =(

28. What is the most beautiful thing in the world?

-Hell if I know

29. Name one person whose changed your life for the better.

-Probably Deanna, she's getting me around Parkside and I feel I've gotten a lot more socialable lately

30. Name one person whose changed your life for the worse.

-I'd rather not say...

31. If you knew you were going to pass away within the next few days, what would be the last thing you say, and who would you say that to?

-Never really thought about it....

32. Do you believe in heaven? If so what do you think it will be like?

-I'm not sure as to whether there is or isn't a heaven...

33. Would you rather a)run through a sunflower field, b)jump inside a waterfall, or c)hike through the woods? Why?

-Waterfall, duh.

34. What is your worst fear in the world? Does it consume you?

-Probably rejection, and at times, yes

35. What is one thing that can make you smile no matter what mood your in? *laughs*

-The TV show Friends...

36. If you could meet anyone, past or present, dead or alive, who would you meet and why?


37. Have you ever written poetry? Have you shared it?

-I have, for class

38. Do you believe experimentation can be a good thing? Why or why not?

-Yeah. It helps to understand stuff better.

39. What was the last thing someone said to you?


40. What was the last thing you said to them?


41. If you had the ability to change one thing about the world, what would it be and why?

-Too late to think about that... sorry...

42. If you could go back in time, where would you go, what would you do, and why?

-I'd try to fix the things that happened "that night"

43. What is the most bizzare thing you've ever done to yourself?

-I'm not really all that bizzare...

44. And finally, what makes you you?

-In the words of Dee: "You say things that make no sense but make sense to you and it's funny"

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