"Flavor Favor For You" is the 3rd track on Yamapi's solo single "One in a Million". It's is only on the Limited Edition B version.
Ahh I love this song. But honestly I have no idea what is meant by "Flavor Favor For You" XDDDD Also I was so frustrated because in Australia, we spell 'flavor' and 'favor' with a 'u' LOL
And thank you
amakoi for showing me
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Have said this already but will say it again! This song is cute, I really like it :D And idg what he means by Flavor Favor For You either. . .I just pretend theres no meaning XDD
And yeah, damn spelling makes me need to think before typing it XD
LOL I think that's the best way to go!! XD
Sigh, damnit British and American English XD
yeah! XD When it's lines like "いつかは you'll flavor favor for you" it's kinda like ". . .huh?" though and hard to ignore XDD
Yeah D: Why can't there just be 1 version of spelling in english, it's less confusing that way!
LOL yeah~ It'll be like you're listening to it, it flows so well until you get to "いつかは you'll flavor favor for you" it's kinda like " and you suddenly go "what??" XD
English is a very strange and horrible language D:
lol yeah~ I wonder if Yamapi knows what the phrase Flavor Favor For You is supposed to mean? IF HE DOES HE SHOULD TELL US! XD
It is D: I'm so glad I grew up with english, or else I'd totally struggle to learn it no matter how much i studied XD
Yes he should!! I'm sure we'd all like to know XD
Yeahh, even though we did, it's still kinda evil XD
Or maybe he just sang the whole song thinking ". . what does this even mean!?" XDD
It IS still evil! I still fail at spelling D: lol
Same here, I can't spell for peanuts D: lol
And I'm really bad at grammar XD
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