But I'm highly amused at the line up for next week's Music Station:
That's right, along side KAT-TUN and Arashi is the
BACKSTREET BOYS!!!! You know, the 5 guys who sang
Oops, wrong one XD
This is the right one lol~ Awww, but when I saw this last night, they also listed down Backstreet Boys singing "I want it that way". I HOPE IT COMES BACK. I'm a sap and I love that song XD
Yes, well I'll definitely be saving some bandwidth to watch this.
Anyway, it's back to doing more driver's knowledge exams for me!
EDIT: Bonus from me :D, from Duet March 2010, scans from
Note: a popular couple of terms in idol world is 'carnivore' or those who are active in chasing love or 'herbivores' or those who are passive. I think all of NEWS dare not say that they're herbivores; it'll ruin their pride XDDD