Heh... Where have I BEEN?

Jan 29, 2009 09:20

Well there... I seem to have been poked to write a blog entry so here it is. Ta Da!

Fact of the matter is, until recently my working hours didn't really give me time to do much else, and I was squeezing in plays, as the last post suggests, first Wizard of Oz with the Not So Common Players, and then Rumors over at RPI. Oh and I adopted a cat off the street in August. His name is Frankie. I'll backpost about him later.

It's not so much a problem anymore as I've been let go from my position at mSS: condolences not necessary. It's a bit of a blow to my finances, but I don't have debt, and I do have savings, and I qualify for unemployment and COBRA so I'm free to look for another job carefully, instead of desperately jumping into the first job I get offered, whatever that may be.

In the mean time I'm APSM for EOP at RPI. (Acronym Translation: I'm Assistant Production Stage Manager for Evening of Performance at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute.) Also I've just been cast as Lynette "Squeeky" Fromme in their upcoming spring Musical, Steven Sondheim's Assassins.

That means I can spend the time I'd spend at work normally looking for jobs, and spend my evenings the same as I always do.

Also I'm joining a LARP at SUNY Albany it's V:tM with V:tR mechanics. (Acronym Translation: Also I'm joining a Live Action Role Play at State University of New York Albany it's Vampire: the Masquerade with Vampire: the Requiem mechanics.)

So yeah... that's what I've been up to. I'll try and post blog entries more often now that I've got the time on my hands. I definitely need to backpost a trip report from my Disney World Vacation, and also backpost the lovely story of my car trouble earlier this month, and the day I got fired... which happen to co-incide oddly. My luck was not in that week.


frankie, mss, unemployment, larp, theater

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