Mega Meff....

Oct 09, 2006 09:13

As you may have noticed, I didn't get on the web this weekend as expected. Teh Cabel guy came... but the line running into our apartment is somehow busted... having crawled up into the attick in search of the trouble, my bet is on squirells. I fould an electric wire with the coating chewed off on one side... but the maintanance fellow that came by said it was a dead line. He taped it up anyhow just to be safe. Anyhow, now we get internet when somone runs us a new cable line... so... not sure when that's going to be. Could be quick, the maintanance folks have dealth with every other problem we've had the next weekday, but could be longer... none of those problems involved crawling around in the attic.

Also I ate raw chicken for dinner last night, by accident, by not frying the chicken all the way thru... and Dracula's auspicois lack of set is making me nervous... Sound is the only tech really working, since the lights need re-focusing, and we don't get costumes and blood effects till tonight and open on Thursday. That and another thing I'll not go into, are making me a nervous person, and I'm not sure if my stomach flutters are nerves or chicken related... tho I'm guessing nerves since I'm told the actual chances I've contracted salmonela are slim. Meff.


apartment, theater

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