Define Antisocial Please...

Apr 17, 2003 20:17

I'm not antisocial... realy I'm not.... not in a BAD way. I like to be around people. It's just there's a time for it, and there's a time for being alone. Is it possible to value solitude and not be antisocial?

Apparently not in today's sociaty. If you aren't seaking out people to hang out with, or organizations to join with every free moment you have, then you are antisocial. It's not possible to hang out with your freinds for a little bit each day... occasionaly arange something to do on the weekend, and then spend the evenings and the nights alone, and still be considered social. No... you gotta be out at NIGHT, and in the Evenigs, and all that sort of stuff, and it's nutts.

All my life, I've lived in the same house on the same street. All through grade school, there were 5 kids on my street, including me. 3 were boys... between 1 and 3 years younger than me. They hung out together... the other was a girl my age, who was my best freind up through the 6th grade, but she went to a private school, so we grew apart. But there were 5 of us... just the 5, on our little ded end lane.... and then up and down the street our dead end lead too, in either direction... no kids our age... far off in the other area of the neighborhood great masses of them all played together, but it was too far for us to bike when we were young, and by the time we were old enough, the group was so well established there was no breaking in. So the boy next door, kept to himself... and my brother played with the boy acrost the street... and the girl acrost the street went places with her freidns from private school... so I made freinds at my school, and I saw them every day at school.

And when I got home... I had time to myself, all by myself, to do the things I do. Every so often I went out and did things after school... but not very often, and always planned in advance. That's how socialization occured... night was a tiem to relax, and not get stressed out over people things...

I liked to go out in my back yard, and sit on the hill, and look at my house. See the lights on inside and the little figures of my family inside... it's in thos moments that I always come to realize that I'm not like other people. I'm not normal... I can't live down there.... with such a narow view. I want to stay on the hill... and see it all... and wonder at it.

How can we keep forgetting that the world is so full of wonder? Why is it that it's considered childish not to take forgranted the way the world works. The simple act of walking for instance... that you can balance your weight precarously on one foot, and thrust the other out in front of you, to catch yourself while falling forward... but, we are so skillfull at doing just that!!!

Or typing... in my case that's second nature... I've been at a keyboard since I was very small... I wasn't realy typing much of anything... and at first it was an old typewriter... but I absoloutly loved the idear of being able to type... and now it's second nature. I just do it... no thinking.

Or TV... have you ever looked at it? Get your nose right up to the screen... it's a bunch of teensey tiny littlelights... blue, red and green... imaagine how hard it is to get all thoes lights to go off just as they aught...

Or the internet... think about the internet... I mean honastly... why does no one ever want to think about these things? Why do they think you're either nuts... or stupid, or just plain out of touch when you actualy stop to think about the world we live in?

I'm not antisocial... I'm just... hyper aware...


deep thoughts

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