On No!!! Not Porn AGAIN!

Nov 20, 2003 22:17

The other Day AV Teacher showed us some Artistically altered Pornography.... And someone groaned "On No!!! Not Porn AGAIN!" and she was all "Don't worry I promise it's Straight Porn This time, no more hot Dogs." And it was... and it was odd... and the boys were all like "Damn it's all censored out the parts we want to see," and all the gerls were all, "Thank god for the white out."

There's far too much of that crap going on regular TV, and even in the movies... I mean... that's all like... frecking perfect plastic people... gag. Porno looking people seem to get a lot of attention these days... some people think that big busts are some sort of revolutionary concept... that people with large knockers in movies are fighting the tide.. I hardly think so. Big Melons will get you on the screen regardless of talent... and I don't deny that said person may HAVE talent... but to say that the Hooters are a detriment to ones ability to get work is ridiculous. I mean... take a look at video game chicks... Laura Croft... I rest my case. These people are not Stirring anything up, they are Not Brave, they are not Revolutionary, they might be confidant, but who WOULDN'T Be with a Barbie Doll Body?

Stirring things up is telling the creator of the show, when you take a character that you don't want your female character to have "a partner of the week. [She] wanted something different. Maybe an alien... or a woman," and as a result, subsiquently playing out one of the earliest Lesbian relatonships on TV (and playing one of the first two bi-sexuals in space.) Yeah, it was almost all subtext, but it was 1995, and you had to slip it past the crazy ass censors at WB, and it was confermed by the actresses and the show's creator. And then later, having guest started on a Prime time TV Show as a trans gender individual (who transitioned TO the gender you really are,) fighting for custody of her (formerly his) child. And doing all of this, when you happen to be straight IRL.

That's Stirring things up.

Confidence is having a chance to be a regular on a TV show you did the pilot for, but turning it down when the jerk who delivered the message told you could only get a contract for the part if you slept with him, and you have more damn self respect than that. (And later returning to the show in it's second season when the head honcho of the show found out what that arsehole had said and set him back in line!)

That's Confidance.

Revolutionary, is when you were almost passed over for a part because you were considered by the casting folks, to be not tall enough, and not leggy enough to play the part... but then getting the part and gaining a hue-normus fan base, and revolutionizing the idear that "Smart is Sexy!"

That's revolutionary.

Bravery is refusing to take sides in your countries Civil war and carrying on acting jobs on both sides of the divide in the hopes that maybe it will make a difference, and then, when you are finally run out of your country by the threats on your life, from BOTH sides, making a new life, and a new career in a foreign country in another language!!!



I'm going to shut up now... Cookie for anyone who can Identify all 4 of the women I listed... and they are 4 different women...


deep thoughts

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