This is also home...

Jun 23, 2010 12:12

When I was laid off, the single most common way I expressed my sadness at loosing this job was, "I miss my cube," and I really did. There's something to be said for enjoyment of one's personal workspace.

I was told, years ago at my first job, (in a small company of course,) that working at a large company was horrible, and I would never make it there, because in a large company everyone's expendable and anyone the slightest bit different than the exact cube lemming norm will be simply fired. That's not really the case... having a real face didn't save me from being let go from the small company. And while here at big company, only the closest people I work with have a face to go with a name, that works out just fine for me. When they don't have a face to go with the name on the e-mail, and they aren't in your cube over your shoulder, all the big company cares about is whether or not you do good work, and I [i]do[/i] do good work.

Everyone here is allowed to be an individual. As I walk around the building here, I pass other cubes, and offices, almost all of them stuffed to the gills with things that make them "home" to their occupant. One office has paper stars hanging from the ceiling tiles with bent paperclips, and four different graphic calenders. Another has more plants than a greenhouse. Many are full to brimming with family photos, little figurines and stuffed animals. It's encouraged that one "move in" to one's space...

During the time I spent unemployed, I kept a box by my bedside. I've had it since I first started working at Delmar. At first we didn't have cubes, or even desks. We had tables in a lab, so I used this box as my drawer space. Later, when I got my very own cube, it was relegated to snack-food container, with all work materials going into my drawers, and files and sundry organizers which are attached to my cube walls. But when I was laid off, it became the repository for all the things that make my cube, my cube. My sticky note dispenser, my picture holders, my little zen garden, etc. All the things my cube was stuffed with, lived in the box, because they only belong in my workspace, not sitting out at my apartment.

This is also "home," and I guess that's why, this is home too, and I missed it terribly when I was gone.



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