Haven't written since, well, the last time I reported writing. Opening Paint Shop Pro and producing bunches of pretty LJ icons or dragging out the watercolor pencils and brushes and painting something pretty appeals to me much more than opening Word and producing bunches of crappy, plotless words. It seems my inner artist has said to my inner writer, "Take a hike! This is my time with WD!" and intends to ruin all of my chances of reaching my AF goal early in the month.
Perhaps even more interesting is the fact that I care very little about this at all.
I've been enjoying myself much more while creating pieces of artwork and borderline-artwork than I ever have while writing. It's always been that way. I can lose myself in a good round of painting or drawing much quicker than I can in a good book or good writing session. And I'm always having thoughts of "I'd rather be an artist than a writer, but writing is much more practical." Because I love art. I love drawing, I love painting, I love scratchboarding, I love iconing. I even love just randomly scribbling on a piece of paper. But I feel like I just like writing. I love grammar and language and really big words, but the actual act of writing feels like I'm pulling out my own hair clump by clump. When it's going well, it's great, but when it's going badly, it goes badly to the nth degree. And it feels like it's going badly more often than not.
I question my writing abilities much more often than I question my artistic abilities.
Sigh. :-/
I guess it's because making art is almost second nature to me by now. I've been drawing for as long as I can remember, going from stickfigures to, well,
the stuff that's in my deviantART account. Fiction writing, however, I've only really been doing for a few years now.
Well. I think I've just answered my own unspoken question of "Why is it so hard for me to write?" Because I'm not really used to it yet. Because I've been an artist for almost all my life but have only been a writer for a short time.
Does that mean I'm going to go and open Word right now and start hacking away at something? Honestly? No. I think I'll do that after my next batch of icons is done.