one more try...

Mar 27, 2010 17:53

i think im INLOVE. . . .

hey, i miss u guys sooo sooo much.  i hate school it keeps me so busy that all i have to do after class is to sleep, and im glad its merely over,
next week would be our last formal week for classes and the next week after that would be our final exams. gosh. ill be reading those brain wacking things again (books ) lol.

whats happenning with me by the way? oh i think im inlove again.. smile**  i have a very great guy that loves me so much and care so much for me. he is a good person, smart and talented.. what more can i ask for? lol

well i had a photoshoot and i want to share it with you guys.

its me, i was bored and then i took my make up and started painting my face then grab my camera and ask our maid to took pictures of me. lol lame.

some of the photo's.
i cant wait till summer comes.. and ill be painting on my first canvas too. cant wait, ill be sharing it with you when im done .
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