Some thoughts..

May 24, 2004 00:51

Well, my first full week of summer is over! I'm definitely not where I'd hoped I'd be. (weird.. two contractions in the same sentence for I'd and they mean different things) Anywhooj, I don't have a job, which I can partially blame on my laziness, but man, I really gotta step it up and earn some dough. I have been doing some website work and I'll get around 200 at months end, but I definitely need more than that, especially since my cell phone got all brokey. Hmm.. perhaps instead of just typing all of my concerns, I'll put them in a list.... so here they are (in no particular order)

Things I'm not happy with:
-My late to bed, late to rise trend
-No job!!
-My ever-changing mind when it comes to girls
-My lack of DAILY quiet times with the Lord
-The fact that I said I'd never get a live journal and I did...
-My control freakiness... perhaps I'll elobrate a bit on this one:
It's one week into my summer and I'm already in a rift of sorts with Than. I clearly overreacted to the fact that he threw a party at the same time as me, and I need to just accept the fact I can't control EVERYTHING!! Sorry bro.
-Mowing my lawn
-My crappy car not having mirrors

Well crap, I'm sensing that all I'll get is responses with condolences, which I'm not really looking for... I'm not depressed, and I'm not in a terrible (or even contemplative :) ) mood. I'll try to offset that with the things I AM happy with.

-The insane amount of time I've been spending with friends
-Having a house to myself nearly all the time
-The fact that no matter how far I get, my main man Yeshua is always there for me.
-Getting enough sleep
-My allergies are getting better
-That I sold all of my video game systems and I still have a gamecube here 24/7.

Okay I guess thats about all I can think of right now, but a thanks again to all the people who I've spent time with in the last week, I love you all... And if I haven't spent time with you in the last week, COME OVER SOMETIME!!! ANYTIME!!! Seriously folks, I really appreciate my friendships with y'all, even if I don't show it.


PR- That the Lord would grant me the serenity to accept the things that I cannot change, the courage to change the things that I can, and the wisdom to know the difference.
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