tits mcgee (juktmicronics) replied to a comment you left in a LiveJournal
post (
http://community.livejournal.com/wtf_sexism/118750.html). The comment
they replied to was:
> I don't doubt that they signed up entirely of their own volition. And
> that's their prerogative. I'm just saying I wouldn't actually call it
> sexual, because the way they're dressed has nothing to do with their OWN
> drives, everything to do with pandering to the male gaze. (Not that a
> woman can't get aroused by the thought of a guy lusting after her, but
> still) The latter and the former just keep getting conflated WRT female
> sexual expression, and that pisses me off. Why can't I express my
> sexuality by saying, "Mr. Celebrity X is ridiculously hot and I
> masturbate to him"? Instead, it's about me dressing sexy. Fuck that
> noise.
Their reply was:
i'm way too tired to say anything more interesting to your comment except