Jan 18, 2010 19:23
I was enjoying Dinosaurs and NOT thinking about how women are insidiously, systematically oppressed right here in the USA, NOT thinking about the horrible state of reproductive justice until my cousin IMed me. Behold. And oh fitting! Season 4 Episode 10 deals with sexism!
redsox4life8: martha coakley is the worst choice by the dems
like the worst
liberal ma is about to have a gop senator
7:09 PM
me: why?
the Republican is REALLY bad
like, REALLY bad
redsox4life8: no he's actually very good
he's much more moderate than most republicans
7:10 PM
and please dont bring up the rape thing
because that is completely false
7:11 PM
me: what rape thing?
it's false like the bitch who cries rape? NB: OK fine, I was being facetious there, and I was just irritated with the cousin
bros before hos ditto
false like that?
redsox4life8: martha coakley ran this campaign that said "scott brown is against contraceptives for rape victims"
which was false
me: so what was it that Scott Brown actually said?
7:12 PM
he's not pro-choice
that doesn't win him points with me
redsox4life8: he supported a bill that allowed a doctor not to administer an emergency abortion if its against his or her beliefs
but that does not prevent someone else from doing it
its a bill taht ted kennedy supported
me: that's still a problem though!
redsox4life8: no its not
me: yeah well Ted Kennedy isn't perfect
redsox4life8: if a doctor doesnt want to do it
me: "first do no harm"
redsox4life8: then he can say no and refer to the person to another doctor
7:13 PM
me: refusing contraception to a patient harms the patient
as for emergency contraception
redsox4life8: well if its against his beliefs its his perogative
me: the whole point of EC is that it needs to be taken in 72 hours
redsox4life8: right
me: a patient CANNOT afford to be delayed like that
redsox4life8: but there are other doctors in a hospital
me: yeah, no
7:14 PM
I'm not in the mood to debate this
redsox4life8: its not like if a doctor denies it the person has to sit for weeks
me: I'm watching Dinosaurs
great show
well actually in some parts of the country it is
redsox4life8: yeah that's because you know nothing on any of the issues
and are completely biased
me: you watch it
do not talk down to me
redsox4life8: which is proven by your idiotic "bros before hoes" statement
7:15 PM
and all right all right I was being facetious
redsox4life8: you always assume the women are being slighted
7:16 PM
i dont deny that women at times are prejudiced against
me: first of all, letting docs refuse contraception does in fact harm women
redsox4life8: but you take it to an extreme
me: right right right
you know, I was sitting here watching a cartoon and not thinking of how women are always slighted just minutes ago
7:17 PM
but if you're going to start a debate on politics with me, well
anyway check out a show called "Dinosaurs"
it's claymation, from the 90s
redsox4life8: dont have time
7:18 PM
me: well then