(no subject)

Jan 09, 2010 01:17

I just had dinner crepes, then watched Princess and the Frog for the second time (she for the first), then had dessert crepes, with ancientlullaby! Yay! Perhaps we'll watch Babies later. XD
And I've really pared down my beauty products. I've spent less than $150 on everything I currently own, including all hair care, face care, body care, and makeup. I lust after Lush soaps and Body Shop moisturizers, but otherwise, I don't get worked up about shopping these days.
I have two more episodes of Mad Men left to watch, and I have an interview on Wednesday to prep for, as well as volunteer work on Monday night and this lecture on MEN, gender, and violence (yes, men). And I know, I know, men's studies = every subject EVER, but thing is, that kind of "men's studies" doesn't deal with men through a lens of gender. But yes, USIP taking on masculinity issues? Sign me up!
And there's a gig I really really want, but I dare not say more lest I curse it.

update, mad men, tv, life, fun, roger sterling sucks, random

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