ew i stole this because im bored

Mar 31, 2004 21:11

× · I N F O R M A T I O N · × ·
Name: Tiff
Single or taken: Single
Sex: female
Birthday: Jan 28
Sign: aquarius

Siblings: older, jizz
Hair color: black and brownred
Eye color: hazel
Height: 5'5"

· × · R E L A T I O N S H I P S · × ·
Who are your best friends?: you know

You have a boyfriend/girlfriend?: something i spend a lot of time on, yeah

· × · F A S H I O N | S T U F F · × ·
Where is your favorite place to shop: banana republic
Any tattoos or piercings: tat on back

· × · S P E C I F I C S · × ·
Do you do drugs?: all the time
What kind of shampoo do you use?: something blue
What are you most scared of?: ruining everything
What are you listening to right now? my computer in random
Who is the last person that called you?: beaudie
Where do you want to get married?: ireland
How many buddies are online right now?: 20

· × · F A V O R I T E S · × ·
Color: green
Food: not eating
Boys names: Mark, Sean, Kurtis
Girls names: Spliff, Jizz
Subjects in school: doesn't matter if you do shitty
Animals: dogs

· × · H A V E | Y O U | E V E R · × ·
Given anyone a bath?: not that i remember
Smoked?: a few times..ehhhhhhhh.
Bungee jumped?: no
Made yourself throw up?: by accident
Skinny dipped?: yeah
Ever been in love?: yeah.
Made urself cry to get out of trouble?: no command
Pictured your crush naked?: crush? umm duh
Actually seen your crush naked?: not the one right now
Cried when someone died?: always
Lied: more than id have liked to
Fallen for your best friend?: totally
Been rejected?: feel like it
Rejected someone?: of course
Used someone?: not really
Done something you regret?: no

· × · C U R R E N T · × ·
Clothes: puma jacket, funny shirt and pants
Music: kmk
Make-up: nothing
Annoyance: being tired and sober. both things easily taken care of
Smell: fake strawberries and pot
Desktop picture: jackson hole, wyoming
Book you're reading: school ones
CD in player: nin
DVD in player: lotr
· × · L A S T | P E R S O N · × ·
You touched: julie
Hugged: julie
You imed: i cant remember his name, bryan or something
You yelled at: my parents prob
You kissed: dog

· × · A R E | Y O U · × ·
Understanding: try to be
Open-minded: in unexpected ways
Arrogant: secretly
Insecure: more of an unstability
Random: not really
Hungry: too full im going to barf but i still want to eat?
Smart: used to be
Moody: HA! shit!
Hard working: depends
Organized: not in the least bit
Healthy: pretty opposite
Shy: never
Difficult: can be
Attractive: when im not tossed. so not often.
Bored easily: by sitting down. no, actually, not really
Responsible: when itcomes to thing that are legal, yeah
Obsessed: you don't want to know
Angry:at myself
Sad: a lot
Happy: with good times
Hyper: no
Trusting: rarely

· × · W H O | D O | Y O U | W A N N A · × ·
Kill?: i do not even wish death upon horowitz
Slap: i want to punch a glass window so bad right now
Get really wasted with?: myself
Get high with: a tall skinny glass friend
Talk to offline: sophie. i miss sophie.
Talk to online: no one please
Sex it up with: the baby.please?

· × · R A N D O M · × ·
In the morning I am: thinking about one thing
All you need is: an endless supply of mind altering subtances
Love is: i dont know, we havent met yet.
I dream about: things i fear
Sexual preference: cock
What do you notice first in the sex you're into: overall good looks and dress

· × · W H I C H | I S | B E T T E R · × ·
Coke or Pepsi: coke
Flowers or candy: candy
Tall or short: i love LPs

· × · W H O · × ·
Makes you laugh the most: tired big bear crew and danielle w sarat party crew
Makes you smile: when things go right or someone loves me.
Gives you a funny feeling when you see him/her: same person i want to fuck

· × · D O | Y O U | E V E R · × ·
Sit on the internet all night waiting for that someone special to im you?: never
Save conversations: in middle school only
Wish you were a member of the opposite sex?: when i have to pee in remote locations and when i bleed
Wish you were younger: hell no
Cry because someone said something to you?: i have

· × · N U M B E R · × ·
Of times I have had my heart broken: a few
Of hearts I have broken: one
Of guys I've kissed: who counts?
Of girls I've kissed: not into it
Of CD's I own: a couple hundred
Of scars on my body: around ten i guess
Of things that I regret: absolutely nothing (even if its forced)

· × · Y O U R | T H O U G H T S · × ·
I know: that im going to die soon
I want: a boy (baby)
I have: a few dollars and scarely scarce amount of drugs
I wish: i was high and having sex right now
I hate: the way i can interact sometimes
I fear: living
I hear: social distortion live
I search: to roll this cone correctly
I wonder: if I'd feel better not being here
I love: when people that care show it
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