April Fools Day

Apr 01, 2006 17:15

Hello all! I am listening to a lecture online for my Spiritual Formations class. I have spent the day at church in a membership class. It lasted 6 hours....ummmmmm yeah. Anyway, after I meet with the elders tomorrow, I will OFFICIALLY be a member of CTK PCA church. That is a lot of letters, huh?? Why cant i use apostrophes on livejournal??? This confuses me a lot. They dont work. Ugg.

Anyway- I should be doing more work tonight, but I am drained from being in the meetings all day downtown. Its all rainy here, but thats ok. Its in the 60s, so it reminds me of rainy GA days :).

This apartment is really stinking messy, but I do not feel like cleaning.

Note to any concerned: Be really careful because when you do things based souly on emotion, they are usually not the best things to do. I say this b/c I've recently done and said some things based souly on emotion that I was not seeking God's guidance on. I was being silly and stupid; and actions have consequnces. Pray in all things seeking guidance from the Holy Spirit. He really does fulfil, sustain, and lead. I cannot assure you that you wont do stupid things when seeking God, but perhaps they wont be AS stupid.I mean, it's one thing to say you're praying about something (which I did). It's another thing to listen to God (which I didn't). Luckily, God doesn't give up on me even when other people do. I was too intense out of my own spiritual decline. That's that- there's nothing I can do now. Lesson learned, and next time, lesson applied-

Lots of Love!


p.s. this is the first April fools that I have not played a joke on anyone. Sad day completely!!!!!!!!
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