
Mar 14, 2009 12:17

so I wrapped shooting for my senior project on Monday.

but let me just say, this past weekend was HELL!! in a good way i guess?
i mean, everything just started falling apart. my gaffer had to drop out, my equipment truck broke down, MY CAR broke down, scheduling conflicts were arising....my head almost melted off my body no fuckin lie.
BUT when it all came down to it, we got the footage!
there are definitely some scenes this past weekend that I wish i could have spent a little more time on.....but I think i still got it. i don't thinkkkk there's any scene that I don't at least have the right coverage & performances.

i love my actors!!! man, they were all so great, especially nicholas since he is THE main character and the only actor that was on set all five days.

he's a new actor...been in only a very few things, but his head shot was the first I saw that i thought to myself, "oh my goodness..he looks like james freeman (my character) and I need to call him back." When we talked on the phone the first time, we spoke for so long (usually it was just like - you wanna audition? okay these are the details, come) but for him and me we spoke about the script, about the psychological material behind it, and a bit about ourselves personally. when it came to actually casting,there were a few others that were really great but every choice kept leading back to nicholas. and he was the right choice. :] all around.

and he sent me tulips!!! the day after we wrapped I get a huge bunch of flowers and a note that says, "Kathleen. You did an amazing job on the shoot...you're so talented and so lovely. Thanks for all and say hit to your mama :]" hahaha SO GREAT! what a nice guy

honestly, he is so so so dedicated and so easy to work with. he put sooo much into the character and it just read so well. quite a few people on set had come up to me saying things like, "good job casting" or "nicholas is really good!" (rare for student films) or "your actors are great!"
:D couldn't be happier.

the day after the fight scene, nicholas had bruises alllll over his body. i felt sooooo bad...but he was just like, "no it's all part of the character! its so necessary! this is what it needs to look real and feel real..." God I know so many actors that would've been complaining up a storm and would've completely disconnected from the role upon any sort of feeling of discomfort. But he was such a trooper....and I hope for big big things for him in the future. he is just so phenomenol and he deserves it! i'm so so please with my casting. he IS james freeman. :]

ANYWAY i pretty much slept allll day monday after shooting that last scene. and last day of class was yesterday
i'm taking allll film classes. my real commitments are over. hahah i'm jus straight chillin (and editing like maddd) from here on out

my goodness
bad night
my pride and joy
first film i've felt truly complete directing.
the psychological story aspects were there. locations. lighting. camera. acting. it all made sense and felt right.
and i know there will be things that will unfold as I edit that i'll think, "shit I should've done that different, or i should've kept going with the takes or saved more time or whatever"
but those will be great lessons and i already have a product that i'm so so happy with.

i had THE best day wednesday.
work with chip my favorite person everrrr
senior project for the first time in legit six weeks. i get to class and my teacher is like, "WHOA NICE OF YOU TO SHOW UP MS. MONAHAN. you know its the end of the term if youre actually coming to class"
hahahah I just stopped going seriously so long ago. I'd call up my teacher and just be like, "Do i have to come in??? i should really be producing my film" hahah he's so cool cause he totally understood that i just needed to be home working and not sitting in class with them walking flicks and chatting.

SIGH :) I could not feel happier in this moment.

thursday night was so so fun
even though i drank entireeellyyy too much.
dil came over for steak paradise!!! we cooked a SIQ dinner and drank wineee to finally celebrate completion of my movie. then we went to go hang with a bunch of people down the street where i finished my bottle of wine and blazed and did not sleep til so super late. but i managed to go to class and then went back to dil's and laid around and goofed off and napped the rest of the afternoon which was so great. my day pretty much started at 6PM hahaha horrible and awesomeeee

i have one more essay to write and one scene to direct for thursday. meeting with actors tomorrow. and then I'M DONE WITH WORK!!! and its springggg
and i'm so ampeddd!!!

i need to just stop & hurry and finish my paper cause LP is waiting for me to get my drank onnn
i feel like a total college loser but i'm probably gonna do that erin express thing with her today hahaha
k time to get back to real lifeeeee
peace out in ta netttt
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