Sep 04, 2008 22:33
yesterday was tech scouting for the shoot this weekend
run down of my day:
woke up at 7am
took my final at 8am
finished by 835am (95 question exam hah, and i'm pretty sure i aced that shit)
ran two miles at 9am
worked out till 10am
showered, met up with the crew at 11am
tech scouted allll day, went to each location and mapped shit out
finished at 630
stayed with sergei, zhenya, and brian to schedule the shoot
finished by 8pm
go to gidgets with rainer and bruce at like 830
ate dinner, drank vodka & wonderful v8 juice
he just got back from germany (co-op) so he, his girlfriend julia, a couple other dudes that i dont know, and zac rubino all go to the bar with bruce, rainer, gidget and myself
i fuckin love bunker hahahah
so amped he called me and we all met up
it was a good night although the vodka mixdrink that gigdet made me was stronger than i thought and i got druuuuuunk
i had three beers at the bar, didnt remember drinking the last one. i think i didnt have to pay for the last one either...the dude forgot i ordered it but rainer swears i drank three
i dont know
i didnt wanna get that drunk...fucking hard alcohol
haha mad hungover today
so did not intend for that to happen
today we did more tech scouting...went to more locations..
and then i had the giant production meeting..pretty much everyone made it which was awesome
that was my first meeting as an AD...i've never organized a meeting that big before
should be an interesting shoot.
i also got another job!!! which is so badass
sergei, the producer, who works in nyc and is not a student...he's worked with zhenya on zhenya's feature
hired me to AD another project being shot here at the end of sept
it's paying a bit more than zhenya's film and it's a 5 day shoot with a day or two of preproduction
meaning like around 800 bonessssss
i dont know what i'm doing so spectacularly that's making people want to hire me after two days of tech scouting
but im downnnnn
i honestly am good as fuck at this whole film nonsense...but i was just surprised that sergei saw it before actually being on set..unless zhenya just put in a good word cause i was a ballin student in his classes haha
either way its bad asssss and im glad
this whole year i haven't wanted to do free projects outside of like friends projects and my own cause im at the point where my time doing a job is totally worth money now
i also started considering grad school, but that's really only worth it if i truly want to direct.....
i want to just apply and pray for a ballin scholarship cause im a great student
my gpa here is sick, i've done mad shit..i wanna actually start concentrating on graduating with distinction (hope its not too late) cause im trying to get a free ride somewhere
i hope i hope i hopeeeee
debt for school sucks but going to school rules haha
and i think i'm applying for the dga assistant director's program, but that shit is soooooo competative
either way its worth a shot..its just two different career routes (directing and assistant directing)
BUT if im good enough for either a bangin scholarship or getting into that program then i think whichever i get into shows that's a good career path for me since both are super competative
and if i dont get either, whatever
i'll just get a job haha hopefully finding work won't be too hard
again, i work damn hard so even if it takes a while to break in, i'm highly confident people will want to hire me back
no bullshitting and not trying to sound cocky, i just love working. i take it seriously, my work ethic is so legit..i love the shit i do... i dont fuck around
yadda yadda yadda yadda
ooooh this weekend is going to be sooo ridic.
i'm watching the republican national convention
makin me wanna vom
YO last night during palin's speech
her one daughter was holding her son with down syndrome and was straight up picking at the kid's face
and then she was licking up her hand and matting the baby's hair was fucking clumping from the spit
hahahahah i love the director of that for cutting to that camera right as the girl did that and then cut away right after she stopped hahahah
but in all seriousness........ i feel bad for that baby.
fuck sarah palin! vommmmmm