Swiped this out of a back entry of
1. Do you sleep with your closet doors open or closed? The closets in my bedroom (yes, there are two, I have one and Kevin has one) don't have doors. They did, once upon a time, but one of the past tenants removed them.
2. Do you ever steal the shampoos and soaps from hotel rooms? Heck yes. I mean, I don't go overboard, but the stuff is provided for your convenience so it's not really stealing.
3. Have you ever 'done it' in a hotel room before? Only once. I haven't stayed in hotels too often, really. Obviously, I was with my husband at the time!
4. Have you ever stolen a street sign before? For...what?
5. Do you like to use Post-it notes? No, I have a burning hatred of small pieces of sticky paper. Sure.
6. Do you cut out coupons but then never use them? I used to, which is why I stopped cutting them out!
7. Would you rather be attacked by a big bear or a big swarm of bees? Oh, the choices. I'll take the bear, I think.
8. Don't you hate it when people have sex with their socks on? o_O That's not a weird question, it's a stupid question.
9. Do you always smile for pictures? Almost always.
10. Have you ever taken pictures of yourself naked? Ahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha no.
11. What is your biggest pet peeve? People who make my job difficult just because they can.
12. Do you sleep with your sheets tucked in or out? Out.
13. Do you ever count your steps when you walk? Only if I'm measuring the distance for some reason.
14. Have you ever peed in the woods? Not that I remember, and I'm pretty sure I'd remember. I'm rather high-strung about that sort of thing.
15. Have you ever hooked up with more than one person in a day? I haven't "hooked up" with anybody in ten years. For obvious reasons, of course.
16. Do you chew your pens and pencils? I used to, not anymore.
17. Where in the world is Carmen Sandiego? *looks shifty* What makes you think I'd know?
18. What's your favorite animal and why? Cats, because they're so unflappable.
19. Do you like popcorn from those big tins? Sure, sometimes. Not my favorite snack, but they can be enjoyable on occasion.
20. Have you ever thought about killing yourself? To paraphrase from The Princess Bride (book, not movie), every girl entertains the notion once in her life. And yeah, I actually tried it, years and years ago. It was a pretty half-hearted attempt, though, so I obviously didn't mean it as much as I tried to convince myself I did.
21. Would you ever tape yourself doing cartwheels? *dies laughing*
22. What's your 'song of the week'? "Waiting For the World to Fall," by Jars of Clay
23. Is it ok for guys to wear pink? Depends on the guy, really. My stepdad could probably wear it. My Kevin? No way, it would clash with his hair.
24. Do you still watch cartoons? Absolutely! Suspiiiiiiiciouuuuuus!
25. What's your favorite scary movie? Spice World I don't like scary movies. I know it's not really scary, but if I had to pick, I guess I'd say Blade II, since it at least has hot guys.
26. Where would you bury hidden treasure if you had some? If it's hidden...why would I need to bury it?
27. And finally, what's the grossest way you can think of to die? Being drawn and quartered is pretty nasty.