i gotta take a dump

Apr 05, 2005 04:39

Anthony signing in again.

Umm...bad news folks. I bought a space for work(clear bar so i can wear it at work). Turns out it was too small for my lip. So....the skin one the inside of my lip grew over the bar overnight. I noticed it the following morning and didn't think anything of it. I showed Zuravin and she was like, "ok that's not good" but she said she could make it go through when we got off of work. Later that night after work...after 30 minutes of a little pain and the swelling of my lip. I call Fat Kats and they say I should come in and they can get it through. I was hesitant but Zuravin said i should and so did Candy(Joe's Mom), so i said fukk it. It was really raining hard that night by the way. So I have to park away from Fat Kats cuz everyone knows how the fukking "Square" is. So i have to walk in the rain to the light stop. press that button so i can walk. took forever...by then i'm soaking wet. Then i get inside and the power is goin on and off and i'm like. wow...sux to be me. oh, but it gets better folks. For about 25 minutes, Brian(piercer guy at Fat Kats, really nice guy by the way), he tried to get that thing out of my lip. He said, "i've never seen this before"....i replied with "figures" cuz i'm spanish and i'm doing a dumb white kid thing by getting my lip pierced. Anyway, didn't hurt at all while he was digging in my lip with that safety pin looking thing. He kept asking if it hurt. It really didn't...probably cuz it was already swollen(everyone knows how my skin is)and he was like,"man your a trooper, people would be crying by now"...kinda made me feel like a real man there...but only for a sec. Then he said i had to go to hospital right now so they can perform a minor surgery by numbing my lip and making "TWO" incisions in my lip and take it right out. When this "MINOR SURGERY" took place there was no "TWO" incisions, it was a fukking hack-n-slash in my lip. Blood shot out at him, blood shot out on my cheek. But he got it out. good thing. next day brian calls me to see how my lip is feeling and doing and he told me that i "set the new policy" for lip piercings. People can no longer by those spacers from them because of me. not sure whether to thank him or not. anyway, he said i can come back and get it pierced again for free, which i intend to do, and if i want another piercing he'll "take care of me" so thats pretty kewl. that's about all that's new in my fukkin pathetic life. my feet smell, my stomach is full from denny's and i'm laughing because i had a fun time at denny's tonight with Tom,Tim,Dannie,Mattt(yes Kopeck, i didn't spell the name Matt wrong, but i might of spelled Kopeck wrong, anyway), and Rich. I think that's it and this is the official most long update i have ever done...and i'm spent

p.s I had to get up while writing this to take a dump
p.p.s It was very nice, smelled though
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