A personal update

Jan 02, 2008 12:24

If you're on the Orbitals list you'll likely already know all of this, so it won't be news. But, my MusicBrainz friends will likely want some context around my comments in IRC recently, so this is for you.

As many of you probably know, I'm in an open relationship with Jean -- my sugar mama. And she has another boy, who started as a friend on the side, but over the last two years our lives changed a bit. It was a gradual change based in two people changing along their paths in life. Jean is focusing on her career and frequently needs serious time to recover from work, whereas MetaBrainz and MusicIP enable me to live a decent life again (after being poor for too many years while bootstrapping MusicBrainz). Now that I have more money, I want to ride my bike, go hiking and generally enjoy life with my friends. Jean and her boy enjoy their Wii, pets and movies. We're simply on different paths in life.

But, we're not splitting up. Au contraire -- we're still in love with each another. We're simply adjusting our living situation to reflect how we've been living life. In Polyamorous relationships you have the concept of the Primary partner and secondary partners. The key change is that Jean and I are no longer each other's Primary partner -- over the last two years we've been acting more like secondary partners. From here on out, I am Jean's secondary partner and I have no primary partner. Of course, I am taking applications for that primary slot, but lets just say I am not actively looking to fill that post.

However, I am actively looking for a new place to live. My own place where I can nest, have matching sheets, hold our weekly gatherings and focus on continuing the social atmosphere that we currently have at Tanglewood. Tanglewood will soon be fully taken over by Hansi, Gavin, their 11 year old son Noah and their friends Tobias and Damian. Its going to be a very full house! But, this gives me the opportunity to find the right place for me -- I'm not forced to find a new place RIGHT NOW.

The upshot of all of this? Life is good. Things may be challenging right now, but I am poised to start a new chapter in my life and still have my good friends around me.

If you've been inquiring about my state of mind, thank you. I appreciate your concern for my well being!

life jean tanglewood

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