Dec 06, 2004 00:05
apparently my journal is depressing. Sorry for this, but I've been really really down lately. I've been trying to figure out where I fit in with the grand scheme of things, and where I want to go from here.
when I have nasty shocks to my system, I view it like being really drunk. You've been poisoned and you have to get it out. It might come in one big explosion or it might take a really long time to recover. Either way, you've got to get through it. I'm a highly emotional creature and as stupid as it sounds I don't always realize when I'm being a prat. I actually appreciate moments when people take me aside and tell me "dude you've got to cut this out" for my own good. I assume other people need the same, but I evidently have my mother's wonderous gift for having the best intentions possible when telling someone something of this nature and absolutely blowing it. I love my mom. She just has a way of saying something to you that makes you want to die, or like she's just never going to let you forget how fucking stupid you were. I hate the way she delivers things, and I just know that I have the same talent. I really don't mean to make people feel bad. I swear things sound good in my head, and I assume as long as I'm being honest then I'm good to go.
I should just really learn to keep my big stupid mouth shut, and leave people alone.