Nov 26, 2004 17:40
I feel nauseatingly hateful today. Like I could step on a puppy in front of a small child and then laugh at his anguish. And I promised my friend Jonathan that I would hang out with him tonight, poor thing. He's already having a crappy time of life at the moment, he went with me to the Cont the other night (::shudders:: I'm sorry, but I really REALLY don't like that place), and now he'll be trapped with me while I'm in this mood. Bwa ha. Poor soul.
oh yeah. Thanks and stuff. For reading my pathetic meanderings, and for occasionally hanging out with me in person. And for the particular group of Kelly Love, Koz, Tommie Darling, Drew, and Liz. And for my family.
this whole fucking year blew. So many disappointments. I think it's time that there weren't any more. I had setbacks on all of my long-term plans, and now face a hiatus of sorts. But you'd better believe that I'm not going to be sitting idle during this time. No siree. There are things in my life that I have my eye set on, and for once I'm not going to say "no" or "I can't". On the ladder of progress "I can't" is the bottom rung. The only thing below it is "I won't" or rock bottom. The universe can kiss my lily-white and newly skinny ass because that's the only thing you'll be seeing while I walk past your sorry petty crap. I have great people in my life, and I can honestly say that I could do anything I wanted to in the world.
I am absolutely fucking awesome. Deal with it. Look out world. I never was one for being quiet and well-behaved.