Dear Yuletide author 2021

Oct 16, 2021 21:38

Dear Yuletide author,

I am so pleased that we share an interest in one of these fandoms and I can’t wait to read whatever you write for me this Yuletide!

I enjoy a wide variety of stories, all year round but especially at Yuletide. I love short, punchy stories and longer, plotter stories, explicitly smutty and/or kinky stories and coy stories that are all about the teasing and the implications, stories with some kind of meta angle to them and stories that engage with the source material 100% on its own terms, stories with ships that are canon and stories with ships that aren’t.

I am
mayhap on AO3.

Green Sky Trilogy - Zilpha Keatley Snyder
Pomma D’ok
Teera Eld

I love all the worldbuilding in these books, but most particularly how it shapes the cross-cultural friendship and partnership between Pomma and Teera. I love the radical utopianism of the Kindar, but also how much they struggled with accepting the true nature of the Erdlings and integrating them into a new unified society. I'd really like to read a story about them growing up together as the Kindar and the Erdlings adjust to each other and return of spirit-powers, with as broad or as narrow a scope as you would like to imagine, as many or as few years after the events of the books as you would like to go.

I think Pomma and Teera would be make an adorable couple in the future and that you could also do incredibly fun setting-specific things with it-trying to keep your crush a secret from someone you can pense with? Gruntspreking to give you and your partner some privacy or engage in some bondage? Kiniporting sex toys, even? Not to mention cultural differences in ideas about romantic relationships, which is something that comes up in the books as well, although of course only heterosexual relationships are mentioned there. But it's also absolutely fine with me if you'd rather pair them off with other characters or with OCs or with no one; I wouldn't feel like you were breaking up my pairing or anything. What I would like is for their relationship, whatever it may be, to be at the center of the story somehow.

DNW: Incorporation of video game canon.

Kansas City Royals RPF
Brady Singer
Whit Merrifield

I love these dudes and their silly Twitter feuding and their water bottle sneak attack war. (There’s a little primer/ship manifesto-type thing where everything is linked on my DW for anyone who’s interested as well.) I love Brady’s fiery personality and the delight Whit takes in poking at him and getting under his skin, but I also appreciate that they’re ultimately basically friendly and chill and good teammates and all that sort of thing. I’d love more fun teammate shenanigans, or I’d be just as delighted to take the teasing and the petting in a more shippy direction.

DNW: Mentions of their real-life significant others if they’re paired; totally fine to do whatever you like if gen.

Plain Girl - Virginia Sorenson
Esther Lapp

I love how delicately and yet powerfully this book explores Esther’s thoughts and feelings-about her family, the Amish community, their way of life, and of course about her new friend Mary, whom she finds so beautiful, not just for her pretty dresses, but also things like her silky hair and her dimpled elbows as well as her wonderful kindness and tact in welcoming her to school and becoming her bosom friend. It’s written as a seduction and that seduction is a good thing, a fountain that sends forth sweet water and not bitter. I see flashes of an eroticism as well, like Esther touching Mary’s hair and finding it so beautiful that a shiver goes through her fingers and her heart starts to beat very fast, or Mary showing Esther her petticoat when they’re planning to change clothes with each other, which I find really lovely.

Even though they don’t end up wearing each other’s clothes at school they must do it eventually, somewhere, sometime! I’d love for that to be explored in a story, at any age or perhaps more than once, as they get older. Anything exploring their relationship and how it develops in the future would be wonderful. There’s a lot of potential for angst and difficulty but also for love and sharing. Esther, of course, has her new sister-in-law and her brother in her corner when it comes to blending the old and the new, with her parents much more tentatively open, but Mary’s family is wide open for exploration, and so are the rest of their peers. I’d love gen or getting together or established relationship or pre-ship fic all equally.

The Professor - Charlotte Brontë
Frances Evans Henri
Hunsden Yorke Hunsden
William Crimsworth

I am fascinated the role that Hunsden Yorke Hunsden plays in this story, who is of the things that makes it different from Vilette, which is essentially a heavily-revised second draft of The Professor. From the beginning he alternates between needling William and performing these extremely thoughtful favors for him, although it's not always easy for him to get under William's skin as William perversely enjoys some of his bluntness. He brings out such an interesting side of Frances when he meets her, too-I love that promptly she gets into three arguments with him in a row, and the third time she doesn't even believe in the argument she's making; she just wants to fight with him!

I'm particularly interested in a story set when William and Frances are living in England and Hunsden is their neighbor. I love how he has apparently latched onto their family in lieu of starting their own, especially the way he seems to practically be a coparent to Victor when he’s at home. I would love more about their daily life as it's sketched all too briefly in that last chapter, or a story about something that happens as Victor gets older and goes to school, which William worries about.

I would also love threesome fic! William would be almost hopelessly scandalized by the prospect, I think, and surely Frances too, but then with the dynamic both she and Hunsden have with William where they love to tease him I can imagine it working out somehow. I do love stories where characters fumble their way into unusual relationships or sexual practices without quite knowing what they're doing or having the usual vocabulary to talk about it, which is sort of what I would picture here. But I absolutely would be just as happy with a story that explores the dynamic among them some other way.

The Story Girl series - L.M. Montgomery
Felicity King
Sara Stanley

I really appreciate the group dynamics among the six cousins and their two other playmates in these books but especially the simmering tension between Felicity and the Story Girl. Even though Felicity’s beauty and cookery are pitted against the Story Girl’s charisma and fancy clothes, I like that it’s not that they’re competing with each other over a love interest; they both want everyone to be more attracted to them than to their rival.

I’d love another childhood story set during the books, or something set when they see each other again some time in the future. If you fancy doing something with outsider POV, it could be particularly delightful to have Beverley narrate when there are things going on between them that go over his head entirely, but of course he needn’t even be involved at all. If you want to make me cry buckets, you could write something set around Cecily’s funeral, although conversely I’d happily join you in denial that she’s even consumptive in the first place. If you don’t end up writing Felicity/Story Girl then do feel free to let Felicity end up with Peter, if it’s something that comes up. I’d love, say, Felicity hand-feeding the Story Girl all her favorite good old-fashioned Canadian baked goods that she couldn’t get in France, or the Story Girl discovering that she likes sharing her Parisian silks with Felicity when she’s the only one who gets to look at hear wearing them, or anything that inspires you.

Trouble series - Stephanie Tromly
Philip Digby
Zoe Webster

I want to go back to Planet Digby! I ship Zoe/Digby like it was written specifically for me, which it might as well have been, and I crave more. The bickering is amazing, obviously, but I also love the combination of earnestness and irony when it comes to things like mental health and feelings, and the mixture of grounded realistic details and handwave-y rule of cool when it comes to their adventures.

I’d love some coping with long-distance relationships, or meeting up for dates (and/or pursuing leads) in New York City, or really anything at all as long as it’s set in the future and Zoe and Digby are together. The fade to black in the books is already scorchingly hot to me, so if you want to write pure porn with little to no plot, I would also be utterly thrilled. Zoe’s offhand mention of fandom in the first book never really come up again, but if you wanted to pick that thread up and do a story with more fandom in it, it’d be fun (and I approve of her taste in Harry Potter femslash!). Really, anything would be great. Also posted on Dreamwidth, with

yuletide, dear author

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